That one Yeonjun x Hyunjin fanfic, I once wrote

  • a fanfic, I wrote in 2020.


    The stars are sparkling on the dark blue sky.

    Hyunjin is standing outside the amusement park's front door.

    His long blonde hair is fluttering in the wind.

    He wants to ride the carousel.

    He is waiting for his friend, Felix, but he has not arrived yet.

    He has been waiting for him in 2 hours.

    He tries to open the front door, but it is closed.

    He sighs, and starts thinking: "Where the heck is Felix at?"

    Then he walks to the back door of the amusement park.

    He knocks on the door.

    It opens magically for him.

    He then walks in.

    It is very dark inside the amusement park.

    Hyunjin can't see the carousel anywhere.

    Suddenly he sees the silhouette of a guy in front of him walking.

    "Howdy." that guy says. Hyunjin looks at him nervously. "What do you want?"

    "I want to ride the carousel." Hyunjin responds.

    "Follow me, pal."

    Hyunjin does as the guy tells him and follows him.

    It is getting lighter inside, and he notices that the guy has a long pink mullet.

    Then the guy stops and turns around.

    Hyunjin sees the side of his face.

    Then the guy puts on a cowboy hat and the carousel lights up in front of him, and rock music starts playing.

    His eyes widen as he looks at the beautiful carousel.

    Then he looks at the cowboy's face.

    The cowboy smiles at him.

    "My name is Yeonjun, by the way. And yours?" the cowboy says.


    "Hyunjin?" He repeats the name as if he just learned a new word. "What a handsome name for a handsome fellow like you."

    Hyunjin's cheek turn as pink as Yeonjun's mullet.

    Then Yeonjun looks at the carousel.

    "Would you like to ride the carousel with me?" the cowboy asks.

    "Yes please." Hyunjin says.

    Then Hyunjin takes a seat on one horse.

    Yeonjun takes a seat on the horse next to his.

    The horses start moving and cheerful music starts playing.

    "Yeehaw!" Yeonjun says.

    Meanwhile, Felix is sitting in the living room of his house, listening to Ariana Grande on his smartphone.

    "Oh, I forgot that I was supposed to meet with Hyunjin today."

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