An ironic thing that happened at the Oscars last year

  • Well... I found out about pretty recently, so this might be old news to you.

    When they were talking about Best Animated Film, they were being like "animation is just for kids"

    And one of the nominees was Flee, a freaking adult animated documentary.

    I wonder what the people, who were doing the animating part of Flee, might have felt when they heard that thing being said...

    I haven't watched Flee, but I don't think it is a movie that I would let a 5 year old watch.

    Well... as someone who sometimes watches anime and other animated stuff, I very much disagree with the "animation is just for kids".

    But the animated movies that are targeted towards children are actually for everyone to enjoy.

    And well... as one children's book author once said, "A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest.", which I think also applies to children's animation.

    BTW The winner of that prize that year was Encanto, which I know a lot of people liked, even adults.

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