Hot Guy Wearing A Suit | Jaehyun fanfic

  • Jaehyun in the "Ay-yo" music video inspired me to write this.

    This ended up long lol.

    Hot Guy Wearing A Suit

    The goose is sitting at the café, eating a pineapple tart and drinking green tea.

    She is enjoying the sweet taste of the cake that makes her think about her favourite pizza topping.

    But the pineapple taste also makes her think about when Seonghwa broke up with her.

    Suddenly she sees a guy in a suit and sunglasses walks inside the café.

    Because of his good looks, the goose's cheeks turn pink.

    The guy walks over to her.

    "Ay yo." he says with a soft voice, making her feel butterflies in her belly.

    "H- hi." she responds shyly.

    "May I sit here?"

    She nods.

    He takes a seat on the chair across her.

    "Anyways, my name is Jaehyun." he says, then takes off his sunglasses. "Jeong Jaehyun."

    Her heart flutters when she sees his beautiful eyes.

    "I'm Goose... just Goose"

    A smile appears on his lips.

    "A nice name for a beautiful goose like you." he says.

    "Oh, my parents were out of ideas when they named me."

    "Perhaps, you would like to be called Jeong Goose instead?" he asks, leaning himself closer to the table.

    Her cheeks get warm.

    Suddenly she starts thinking about Seonghwa and how she still has feelings for him.

    But then she thinks about how she has to let him go.

    "Yes," she responds.

    He gets off the chair and takes her lower wing.

    "Then let's get married."

    "Right now?"

    "No, maybe tomorrow." he says.

    Suddenly he looks at his golden watch.

    "Oh," he says. "I have to go now."

    He puts on his sunglasses.

    "Let's meet tomorrow outside the church at 5 PM." he says before he leaves.

    She waves at him, before she takes a sip of the green tea that has gotten cold.

    At the evening, she is sitting in the living room reading a book about boats.

    The boats reminds her of when she and Seonghwa went on a boat date together.

    She remembers the way he smiled at her, while rowing.

    The memory makes her blush.

    Suddenly her cellphone starts ringing.

    It's Seonghwa.

    She picks it up.

    "What do you want?" she asks.

    "I just want to apologize for the things I said that day."

    His voice makes her cheeks feel warm like when they were on that boat date together.

    "Oh, okay."

    "Can we start dating again?"

    "I'm sorry, but I'm dating someone else."


    She can feel his heart breaking.

    "I'm sorry."

    "No, don't be sorry." he responds. "I want you two to be happy."

    Then he hangs up.

    Tears well from her eyes.

    The next day, she is standing in front of the church, waiting for Jaehyun.

    Then she sees him walking towards her, again he is wearing that suit.

    He smiles at her.

    "Ay yo, are you ready to get married?"

    "Yes, I am."

    Then they walk inside the church.

    They hear the orgel playing a hymn.

    And then they see another guy in a suit.

    "Agent Valentine, good to see you here" the other guy says.

    "Same here, Agent No Mercy."

    Goose looks at both of them confused.

    "So, you're getting married, aren't you?"

    "Yes." he says.

    "Jaehyun, what is going on?" she asks.

    "It's a long story." he responds.

    "Actually," No Mercy says. "Agent Valentine is on a secret mission to find out what Lee Sooman is trying to hide, and he always meets in a club for married couples. So he needs someone to pretend to be his wife, so that he can join it and find out."

    "Oh, so we're not actually getting married?"

    "No, but maybe we could get married after getting to know each other better."

    Jaehyun smiles at her, making her cheeks turn pink like a cherry blossom.

    "Enough chitty-chatty and let's start the photoshoot." No Mercy says.

    "Photoshoot?" she asks.

    "Yes, wedding pictures so that Sooman isn't going to doubt that we're a married couple." Jaehyun explains.

    Another agent walks over to her and brings her a small wedding dress.

    "Change to this in the ladies' restroom." the agent says.

    She gets out from the restroom, wearing the wedding dress.

    The dress makes her feel like a princess.

    She sees Jaehyun standing in front of a photographer, wearing a fancier suit with a pink rose in his jacket pocket.

    She walks over to her.

    "You look beautiful in that dress."

    Her heart flutters, hearing him say that.

    "You too."

    "Okay, now let's start with the first photo." the photographer says.

    He takes her wing and looks at her while smiling.

    She smiles while looking at the photographer.

    Then the first picture gets taken.

    Some other pictures of them get taken in the church.

    Some moments later, they have to take the last photo.

    "Now I want you two to kiss each other." the photographer says.

    "Ki- ki- kiss?"

    Her entire face turns pink.

    "Yes, you two have to kiss."

    "Goose, are you okay with this?"

    "Uhm... yes, I am."

    Then Jaehyun gets down on his knees.

    He places his hand on her cheek, before his face gets closer to hers.

    She closes her eyes and starts feeling his lips on her beak.

    Butterflies flutter in her belly.

    Out of a sudden, she starts thinking about when Seonghwa kissed her for the first time.

    A smile forms on her beak as she thinks about him.

    Then his lips let go, making her open her eyes again.

    "And... we're done." the photographer says and walks away.

    "You can go change your clothes again." No Mercy says.

    "Your beak tastes like bread," Jaehyun says, and then a smile forms on his lips "I like bread."

    These words make her think of the words that Seonghwa told her, when they had their first kiss.

    She puts her wings around him, hugging him.

    His eyes widen from surprise.

    "I like you more than I like bread."

    "Oh really?" he responds with a confused smile.

    They have changed their clothes, and are standing in front of Agent No Mercy again.

    "We have found a house, where you two are going to live in from now on." he says. "It isn't that far away from Lee Sooman's."

    "I think you're going to love your new home." Jaehyun says.

    The next day, Goose and Jaehyun have moved in their new home.

    Now they are in the bedroom, both feeling tired.

    She looks at a framed picture on one of the night tables that has their wedding photo.

    "Would you like to sleep with me tonight?" he asks.

    "Huh?" She blushes.

    "I mean, shall we share this bed tonight or would you rather have me sleep on the couch?"

    "I don't mind sharing it with you."

    "I'm not planning on having children yet, so I'm not going to hurt you."

    She lays herself down on the bed and tries to fall asleep.

    Meanwhile, Jaehyun walks to the bathroom to change to pyjamas.

    The day after, they are in the grocery store together.

    Jaehyun is wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans.

    They are at the fruit section and she puts a pineapple in the cart.

    "I guess you really like pineapples, don't you?" he says.


    "I find that kind of adorable."

    Suddenly she sees Seonghwa standing at the vegetable section, holding a carrot.

    Jaehyun starts noticing him too.

    "Oh, that's my former co-worker." he says.

    He walks over to Seonghwa.

    "Hi Seonghwa." he says. "Haven't seen you for a while."

    "Same here." he responds. "So, you're the one Goose is dating now?"

    "Oh, you know her?"

    "Yeah, she... she is a friend of mine."

    "Oh, the three of us should hang out together one day."

    "Well... maybe."

    "We could go to a café next week."

    "Sounds like a good idea." he says, forcing a smile.

    "See you next week."

    Then Jaehyun walks over to her.

    "So you and Seonghwa know each other?"

    "Yeah..." she responds.

    "What a small world we are living in."

    She turns around and sees Seonghwa putting the carrot in his cart.

    Later, he walks to the fruit section and puts a pineapple in the cart too.

    "Shall we eat pizza for dinner tonight?" he asks.

    "No thanks." she says. "I'll rather have burgers."

    The End.

    Even though I could write a sequel.

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