What's actually wrong with it? People fight for everything so it shouldn't be suprising. I find them highly entertaining.

Why r fanwars considered bad?
some r entertaining and harmless but some go way over the barrier
There is a line from entertaining to bitter and ugly and people engaged in fan wars cross it all the time. Maybe your threshold happens to be pretty wide. I was OK with videogame fanboy wars and engaged in anime fan wars in the past, but eventually it crossed my own tolerance level which it's just became nonsensical toxic bickering.
some r entertaining and harmless but some go way over the barrier
Only when they go beyond the barrier the real fanwar starts. Lol. The entertainment only begins then.
What's actually wrong with it? People fight for everything so it shouldn't be suprising. I find them highly entertaining.
See I do not mind the small things like I believe this group is better and here's why, if you are being reasonable/backing up your opinions with statistics or other valid reasoning and just debating it is fine. When threats, blatant bullying, racism and personal attacks get involved all because someone simply says they prefer once group over another, it is an issue.
Lots of people make pointless claims & arguments in fanwars, they never actually come to a conclusion bc neither side wants to agree with the other
its actually fun
but when certain lines are crossed
When threats, blatant bullying, racism and personal attacks get involved all because someone simply says they prefer once group over another it is an issue
Since i have been over here i have seen personal attacks being made quite often. Bullying? Depends on what u label as bullying over here.
They love their favs so much they will do anything in battle for their favs.
This is very true. Some forget what they're writing or talking sometimes. They are on an attack mode all the time. They can't see anything beyond their faves. And the group / people they stan and defend and attack for does not even know about their existence. Lol
Since i have been over here i have seen personal attacks being made quite often. Bullying? Depends on what u label as bullying over here.
Mainly it seems to be users here trying to do the first two but essentially trying to harass someone/tell them they are useless, etc. for having different music tastes is extremely toxic and is quite the exact definition of bullying.
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