Distancing yourself from the Kpop community for a while is good for your mental health!

  • I have noticed that ever since I started to be less active in the Kpop community, I started to enjoy Kpop much more recently. I’m also more at peace with myself and don’t get easily triggered by anything so easily.

    I’m genuinely happy seeing new groups getting attention and finding success. I got more confident with my faves etc….

    Like it’s really helpful y’all should really try it out!!!

  • SandyBee3

    Changed the title of the thread from “Distancing yourself from the Kpop community is good for your mental health!” to “Distancing yourself from the Kpop community for a while is good for your mental health!”.
  • TBH, the older I've gotten the more I've gone "Is this really worth my mental/emotional energy?" Like just because someone invites me to an argument doesn't mean I have to participate, lol. Even if I commented before, I don't have to keep going.

    I haven't deliberately stepped away from kpop specifically before, but I can appreciate that taking time away to recharge and refocus has a lot of benefits. :lovec:

    let's be friends


  • Kpop fans really need to meet themselves in person and talk it out like normal people instead of being nasty creatures on twitter.

    A masterpiece.

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  • TBH, the older I've gotten the more I've gone "Is this really worth my mental/emotional energy?" Like just because someone invites me to an argument doesn't mean I have to participate, lol. Even if I commented before, I don't have to keep going.

    I haven't deliberately stepped away from kpop specifically before, but I can appreciate that taking time away to recharge and refocus has a lot of benefits. :lovec:

    Like I would engage in pages long arguments that were leading nowhere just to feel upset afterwards. I started my Kpop journey because I really liked the genre and the little culture it brings with it.

    And yeah if you’re dealing with real life problems these little fights start to look so ridiculous to you. Waste of energy

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