I wanted to write a different fanfic at first, but that is going to be another day.
Enjoy this silly fanfic lol
Mint Chocolate Ice Cream
The fallen leaves are dancing in the wind.
Seonghwa is standing outside of Goose's house.
His blonde hair is blowing in the wind, making him look like he is in a shampoo commercial.
His legs and back are shivering from the cold weather.
He thinks it maybe would have been better if he was wearing warmer clothes, but at least he thinks he looks handsome wearing that orange sweater and those ripped jeans.
He knocks on the door.
A smile appears on his lips and his heart flutters as he thinks about Goose.
Thinking about her kissable beak makes him blush.
The door opens, making his smile bigger.
He sees her standing there, looking surprised.
"What are you doing here, Seonghwa?" she asks.
"I came here to visit you, my love."
The goose blushes.
"Oh, come in."
He walks inside the hallway and takes off his white sneakers.
"Sorry, that it looks a bit messy." the goose says.
He catches his eyes on a poster of Lionel Messi on the wall and tries to hold back his laughter.
"I was just watching a documentary about boats, while eating ice cream." she says as she walks into the living room.
He follows her into the room, where he sees the television being turned on and showing an old man rowing in a brown boat.
She takes a seat on the couch, watching that old man talking about his boat.
He takes a seat next to her, hoping that after watching that documentary, the two of them can kiss and cuddle. His cheeks turn pink as he thinks about it.
Suddenly he sees a mint green ice cream container on the couch too.
"Allkpopsicle's Mint Chocolate Ice Cream" it says on it.
He feels disgusted looking at it.
"Goose" he says.
"What?" she asks, her heart fluttering.
"I think we should break up."
Her heart feel like it has gotten broken in half.
"What? Why?" she asks.
"Because you like this disgusting kind of ice cream."
"Mint chocolate isn't disgusting."
"Have San and Wooyoung brainwashed you?"
"No, I have liked mint chocolate ice cream since I was a gosling."
"You know what? This relationship is over." he says and walks out.
He walks into the hallway and puts his shoes on before he leaves.
He feels the cold wind blowing on his face, as he walks on his way home.
"I can't believe that I fell in love with someone with a trash taste when it comes to ice cream." he says to himself.
A week later.
They haven't talked to each other since that day.
Seonghwa is sitting in his room, watching an ASMR video to distract himself from thinking about Goose.
"Are you feeling goosebumps?" the person in the video whispers.
"Goosebumps?" Seonghwa repeats, the word reminding him of something.
He turns off the video and walks to the kitchen.
He opens the fridge and grabs a bottle of strawberry milk.
He takes a sip of it, thinking about her.
He looks at the framed picture on the wall, where they are hugging and smiling.
"I shouldn't have broken up with her."
He is standing outside her house, the wind blowing again.
He knocks on the door, his heart fluttering from how nervous he feels.
She opens the door, seeing him standing there.
"What do you want?" she asks.
"I just want to say I'm sorry for saying these things to you," he says. "It was immature of me."
"It's okay."
"Do you want to be my girlfriend again?" he asks.
"Yes, because I still like you."
"Alright, would you like to go on an ice cream date with me tomorrow?" he asks.
The next day, the sun is shining brightly on the light blue sky.
Goose and Seonghwa are standing outside the ice cream shop eating ice cream.
He is eating a strawberry flavoured one and she is eating a mint chocolate one.
She smiles at him.
"How dare you like strawberry?" she says sarcastic and giggles.
"You silly." he says and starts giggling too.
"You are as sweet as a strawberry, so you liking strawberries makes sense." she says.
His cheeks turn pink.
He plants a short kiss on her cheek, making her blush too.
They both finish eating their ice cream.
"So," he asks. "did it taste good?"
She nods.
He plants a swift kiss on her beak.
"Your beak tastes good too." he says, while a smile appears on his lips.
Goose takes his hand and looks him in the eyes.
He caresses her cheek with his other hand.
She stares at his lips that are the same colour as the strawberry ice cream.
He closes his eyes as he plants another kiss on her beak.
He feels a minty taste on her beak, but he doesn't mind and puts his arms around her, as he kisses her more passionately.
His lips then separate from her beak.
"I promise that I won't break up with you for stupid reason again." he says.
He hugs her tightly, having a huge smile on his face.
The End