im coming to u w some shid bc im slightly bored and want to spread some cajun luv w u all.
im not totally fluent with cajun dialect but i do know a handful.
i have a cajun vocabulary book somewhere and once i can find it ill be able to better articulate stuff for u.
side note:
cajun takes words from english and french but they dont always have the same meaning/very vague version of the meaning. and things may be pronounced slightly different. clarifying in case youre not familiar with the dialect / speak french and thinking "
" bc it means something totally different LOL.
BUT REGARDLESS. heres the cajun phrase of the day.
"pauvre bête"
prononced: pawf bet
** its more like a v and f sound combined. pauv/pawf
**its not a hard T. like the word "bet" but like as in your just starting to say the T sound but incomplete it.
means 'poor thing'
u watch someone take a massive L and u cant help but feel bad for them.
used in a sentence
"t-bob was fishing and fell straight into the water 😔"
"pauve bête!!"
idk why im doing this but i hope u enjoy the occasional cajun lessons.