I started watching my liberation note

  • omg 10 minutes in and this hits so hard

    Forced workplace socialization

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  • lmao they live so far away is that why they were super stressed about catching cab together

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  • oooh, have fun.

    It's a noir slice of life drama.

    I loved it, but it goes hard core.

    I watched half way through the first episode

    it's really hitting hard 🤧

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  • why is she rude to their family's worker? Poor guy they told him to start at 9 but he showed up at 7. She didn't even say hi or good morning to him

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  • trust me on this, keep on watching.

    By episode 4 or so you would get it from the story.

    But it's so bloody worth it.

    Also the freaking loan

    Who did she gave so much money to?

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  • They all go their lives wacked and they think the problem is that they are single.

    It's interesting my friends are like that too

    they think a relationship will magically solve all their problems

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  • Also the freaking loan

    Who did she gave so much money to?

    They all go their lives wacked and they think the problem is that they are single.

    It's interesting my friends are like that too

    they think a relationship will magically solve all their problems

    this and this are both related.

    I'm not joking when I am saying it's actually shit that is real.

    Something that could happen to you or your friends.

  • this and this are both related.

    I'm not joking when I am saying it's actually shit that is real.

    Something that could happen to you or your friends.

    Yeah the BBQ scene really reminded me of my friends

    They will be like once I have a partner everything else will fall into space. Like no people, if your life is a mess, even if you meet love of your life things can go wrong.

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  • Yeah the BBQ scene really reminded me of my friends

    They will be like once I have a partner everything else will fall into space. Like no people, if your life is a mess, even if you meet love of your life things can go wrong.

    I am right there with them tbh.

    If I would meet the girl of my dreams (which I doubt exists) I would buy castles...

    And shaite like that.

    Romantic to the bones, poor AF.

    My life story tbh

  • A wise person said to write down all the qualities of your dream person then ask yourself if someone that amazing will date the current you. The answer will most likely be no.

    Imo it's always better to work on myself and my own life. If loves comes it has to fit my life not the other way around.

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  • A wise person said to write down all the qualities of your dream person then ask yourself if someone that amazing will date the current you. The answer will most likely be no.

    Imo it's always better to work on myself and my own life. If loves comes it has to fit my life not the other way around.

    why do you think I'm solo mate :) Oh well...

  • why do you think I'm solo mate :) Oh well...

    I was just speaking I'm general in regard to the mind set rather than your case in particular

    Make Cinderella happy aye

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  • the older brother and older sis are so fucking desperate

    I srsly hate people like that

    All the talk about is how to get it


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  • whenever the 4 of them get together to drink it turns pretty toxic

    Like their whole friendship dynamic is a petty party and toxic af

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  • LTMs_Sammi I talk about my kdramas here

    we can discuss it if you started watching

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  • hmmm

    I connect with the younger sister the most but I was kinda disappointed that she was a love fool too

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  • idk why the fuck she went after mr.gu

    like dude is broken AF lol

    she is like driving straight into a wall

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  • Although I relate to the whole relationships feeling like jobs

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  • i'm in love with this drama it's the best

    Im gonna rant about the show as I watch it here

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  • honestly she is unhinged with the whole worship me thing bullshit

    she is clearly depressed but the guy just did you a favor and you suddenly want to be their god?

    she needs help

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  • not much went on in episode 3, the sister is weird too

    if I had that type of convu with my boss I would be out

    Korean workplaces are unhinged

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  • so the brother is only talking to mr.gu to rant him and trauma dump on him


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  • the older sister is so burnt out

    Her coworker is really a mean girl but her bosses are cool

    I really liked the female boss defending them against that mean girl

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  • alexS I finished the 4th ep

    Still nothing about that dudes background story

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  • it's kinda weird their family times are just eating and eating more

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  • ehhhhh the bro is being weird

    he is becoming all about making easy money

    he is just expecting his dad or others to make the investment for him

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  • their family times being focused only on eating is totally getting one my nerve

    They make way too much chewing and slurping sounds

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  • the brother has this idea of set life and he just wants his parents to make sacrifices and invest in it

    He can't even control his own salary

    He is truly pathetic

    Idk I can't feel any empathy for him

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  • not sure about the youngest yet, she needs to get her koeny back from her loser ex

    Her relationship with Mr gu also feels like a crotch

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  • you are still early on the plot

    I bet you will be surprised few times


    but so far I'm growing a dislike for the siblings

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  • the drama is very slow burn

    Nothing major has happened yet

    80 percent of the episodes is just them chowing food

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  • brother is still pissing me off with his sense of entitlement

    Like yeah your life is not easy but other people don't have to play nice just so you get get everything you want

    Plus idk why none of them are moving out if they hate it so much

    The other girl did

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