Idk why neither side in Soojin's case have backed up their claims with enough proof

  • well proof is a very interesting word...

    Whose evidence do you trust

    Person A says one thing

    Person B says another

    Person C supports person A

    Person D claims person C is lying to protect person A

    Person x says....

    (You get where i'm going)

    This isn't a court of law but rather the court of public opinion...

  • Ik it's hard to trust people just from what they say, but in this case, seeing as there doesn't seem to be any proof of text messages and stuff, the best evidence would be from the friendship group of soojin from 7th grade, they would really be the only ones able to clarify what really happen with a slightly less biased view than that of soojin and the other person involved. Whether it is cube or the alleged victims who are able to contact those people, I feel like they would be the ones who could bring this case to an end so we have a proper conclusion. Although , it's true that they could easily be bought over by cube to say soojin is innocent or convinced by the other side to exaggerate what soojin has done, but I still think they're the best shot and putting all of this to an end so it's stops being dragged, especially with the victims planning revealing their side of the story on pd note. Unfortunately no matter what Soojin says, people just want to believe its all lies because she was labelled as the bully, so the faster this is over the better for her.

    thats why i said its not a court of law...

    if those friends really came out and defended soojin

    how do you think knetz would react? all hunky dory lets believe them and soojin is all good? of course not they would crucify the friends and say they were only doing it to protect soojin...

    there's no end to ghe court of public opinion my friend just look at park bom and tara i think (other people generally mention those two) as being cleared and yet their careers were basically over

  • That's true, I guess I'm just too optimistic. You can see it with how people choose to believe that shin ae's indirect and cryptic post means that for certain bullied her whereas when soojin directly addressed it and said they had nothing to do with each other and friends came out and refuted it as well saying soojin didn't bully her, yet people still choose to believe something open to interpretation over them. I just hope this case is able to come a close quickly. I hope the claims against Soojin are just exaggerated and that she's able to recover her reputation at least a bit because if the situation gets any worse, she'll have to leave the group.

    which is why i created a thread somewhere where i literally say that cube should go all out as if this was a war and fight the sisters etc... i'm on my phone so its not convenient to search for it...

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