BTS' song " Moving On " is about them moving out of their old apartment

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    "Ayo SUGA

    I remember how we came here three years ago

    When you and I used to fight all the time

    The wallpaper, bathroom, and veranda were all blue

    Back then I thought this was a big place

    But my ambition grew too big

    That big house became too small now

    When the nine trainees shared a 17-pyung house

    Seems like it was just yesterday, we grew up a lot

    Good things were always other people’s things

    We were always hoarse from an uncertain future and worries

    Seeing all the senior artists at the end of the year awards

    Let’s not forget those things but put them away

    This place smells like us

    Let’s not forget this scent, wherever we are

    We cried a lot and laughed a lot but it was so beautiful

    Nonhyeon-dong, 3rd floor, thank you"

    "Let’s move

    Goodbye to this place, that we grew attached to

    Let’s move

    Now to a higher place

    While taking the last box out of the empty room

    I looked back for a moment

    Times we cried and laughed

    Goodbye now"

    "Three years felt so short but so long

    A lot of things happened, there were many memories

    I remember now that we’re about to leave

    Traces of being used like bank accounts and credit cards

    As much as the place was small, we were bound together tighter

    Fight right here, hitting each other sometimes

    Maybe that’s why but we have good feelings and bad feelings of love too

    Even the dust will be cleared now

    There’s more stuff than the beginning, I have more than when I started too

    Now let’s take our pride and go toward a bigger world with a bigger dream

    A new start, a new beginning

    Excited to see how it will become

    Move the boxes, hold your place, wipe the dust

    After you’re done, let’s get a bowl of black bean noodles, that’s right"

    "Let’s move

    Goodbye to this place, that we grew attached to

    Let’s move

    Now to a higher place

    While taking the last box out of the empty room

    I looked back for a moment

    Times we cried and laughed

    Goodbye now"

    "Ever since I was born

    I counted the days for my first move

    I remember, why I had to move

    The machine in my mom’s heart and the big scar

    In winter of 2010 at Daegu

    The childish me used to measure the size of the world

    The reason why we moved into a business

    Was because of all the bad things people said, saying we follow the money

    So moving left many things with me

    Whether I liked it or not, it changed a lot in my life

    My life was about paying rent, I know

    I lived with my pride put into the down payment

    So I’m gonna move again

    I’m gonna have a dream, a level higher than being an idol

    When will I stop having to move again?

    I hope it comes quickly"

    cr; genius

    [new signature coming soon but in the meantime, read the facts below]

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