Have you ever eaten Pho in Vietnam?

  • Last year when I went to Vietnam, I was taken by a close friend to eat Pho in Hanoi. In Hanoi, there are many Pho restaurants and it seems that Pho is sold everywhere from sidewalk shops to restaurants or small eateries.

    "Pho" is a traditional Vietnamese dish, which can also be considered as one of the most typical dishes for Vietnamese cuisine. The main ingredient of pho is pho and broth (or broth in the southern way) with beef or thinly sliced chicken. Also accompanied by spices such as soy sauce, pepper, lemon, fish sauce, chili, … These spices are added depending on the taste of each user. Normal pho is used as breakfast, or dinner.


    In the southern provinces of Vietnam, pho is displayed with the auxiliary ingredients called herbs such as onions, prices and leaves of the smell, basil, in which coriander is a typical leaf of pho. Pho is usually beef noodle soup, but also has chicken pho, pork noodle soup, shrimp noodle soup, …

    The broth is generally made by stew beef, meat used for pho is beef or chicken and spices including cinnamon, anise, ginger, cardamom, clove, smell, … “Pho”, according to the transmission Thong, made from rice flour, coated into thin sheets and cut into fibers. Pho always has to eat hot, however, to get delicious pho bowls depending on the experience and the traditional secret of the noodle cooking profession.


    I don't take a lot of pictures so most of the above are pictures I got on google. Sorry for that inconvenience. ;-)

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