It's fine, I'm not an expert, but I am very capable of handling it from here easily. Okay, now what we need to do is find more people willing to buy the petition. I think we need around 12 more or so by this time next week. This is the part where we go around and tell everyone about the petition and get them to buy it (without being pushy obviously but making sure they know about it). Once time is up, it's up for good, and whatever votes we get is the number we get. If we get a total of 8 votes, we only get a picture of Woojin. If we get 16, we get a picture of Woojin, but also of his logo and the fandom logo too. I'm trying to get 16, but we'll see if that happens.
If you want to help, see if you can think of anyone else who would be interested in supporting them or who is a Cub, and tag them on this thread. If not, that's fine too, do whatever works best for you.