As much as I want to see vietnamese on chinese survival shows, I think the chance for that to happen is very small. Like Korea, China doesn't see vietnamese as marketable, and not to mention the political tension between the two countries. Hoa viets I see more likely and we already have the girls in DD52 that we know of. I do hope there are Hoa viets in mainland China who are in Cpop that are willing to embrace their vietnamese side, and maybe show up in vietnamese showbiz.
For some months ago, I was confident Hanbin was going to debut. Now, I'm really unsure. Looking at HYBE plans that's been unveiled, I don't see any of the upcoming groups Hanbin could join. Giving his own twitter while other trainees don't, is a danger sign now when I think about it. Maybe HYBE is just using him to highlight their trainees? It's a dangerous conspiracy thought, but not impossible.