Oh I understand fine, your gross generalization of Indian prejudice.
I just disagree with both the assertions,
No Indians aren't that obsessed with the West in relative scales. For example, Indians still largely wear native clothing in the core wedding ceremony. Whereas Koreans, Western clothes are not common, particularly men.
About 30% of S Korean population are converts to Christianity.
Whereas only about 4% of Hindus have up their ancestral faith for Christianity. And that's not due to the lack of trying by missionaries be it under the British or now.
# secondly West is the dominant cultural hegemon of our age, so no kpop or non Anglo-West act is ever going to achieve the level of recognition as a top Western act would. That's not their individual lack, but because the Western culture is a huge amplifier,
While you gross generalize, to me it seems to have specific prejudice against your own people to repeatedly shade them.
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Did you even read my comment? Seems like you just read the first part and completely lost your mind. Is my comment ONLY about Normal Indian people or the Ambanis and Bollywood? Why are you so offended and acting like a nationalist? You sound like a politician.
India is obsessed with the west. Specially Bollywood and Ambanis are. Ambanis literally worship the west like Bollywood does. They try too hard to be western.
Even their house is designed and built by US company, They go to the west for every occasion.
There's no way you can deny that. They are the main point of the conversation. Normal people aren't.
Why are bringing Korea here? Since you did, Korean people are Non-believers/Atheists not Christians. Christians are a minority there. Most east asian people are Non-believers and Buddhist, not Christians.
Koreans don't follow their traditions and I never said they do. They dress like westerns. But Koreans don't worship the west. They still prefer their standards.
And even in their culture dressing modestly isn't that of a big deal. They have always dressed less compared to south asians. In south asian culture, dressing modestly is a big deal.
And I never said that most indian don't wear traditional clothes. Most Indians dress very modestly. But that doesn't mean they don't like the west or hate the west. That has nothing to do with anything here.
How about we completely leave out normal Indian People and talk about the Bollywood and Ambanis only?
Can you say that Bollywood doesn't want to be like Hollywood? Then why do Bollywood actresses dress like that? (Like you said most Indians wear traditional clothes.) Actresses are celebrities they would obviously wear modern clothes but that doesn't mean they will have to be like Hollywood in every way.
Why do actors bragg about having multiple girlfriends? This is Indian culture?
Why do the Ambanis invite such a classless woman like Kim Kardashian? Is this Indian culture? Would you invite a woman who lets her t*ts & as* out and was associated with p*rn in your wedding? Is that Indian culture? No it's not Indian culture, it's western culture.
Just beacuse West is the popular culture that doesn't mean you have to ignore your own culture and turn into a wannabe.
You can disagree with me about the Normal people. Fine. But there's no way you can disagree with me that Bollywood and Ambanis worship the West.
No matter how popular Korean Celebrities/Culture becomes that has nothing to do with anything here. Cause the Ambanis would only invite the West. That's my point.
If you still don't agree with me then don't. Don't tell me how normal people do this or that. I am not generalizing them, I already explained about them. And They are not the point. Bollywood and Ambanis are. And if you don't agree with anything else then just move on.