They're irrelevant with or without her tbh.
Posts by viino
You can't make a legally binding contract with a minor like that. The deadbeat jumped out. 🤡
Got the Beat. Obviously.
but BP without the members isn't BP - you can "remove" the members from BP and try to capitalize on the name along with the members - sure all the trademarks and whatnot are with YG but they are effectively useless with the members being there (or elsewhere) as BP no?
like you can't have a cf or song or collab or anything if the members aren't there to promote undertake the work as BP right?
right so you're saying that whilst in absolute terms BP are bigger now than 2ne1 was at that time but relatively you would also say that 2ne1 was about the same as BP was relative to the other kpop groups at that time correct?
I just mean that at least some of the members would have to stay in YG for there to be a BP. Unless they have something worked out with The Black Label, which is possible (like YG getting 20% of everything they make under TBL for example). Because no other company would buy BP as a whole, it's just way too expensive. They'll offer members deals like they're doing with Lisa, but I doubt they'd try to buy the whole group.
And yes, that's exactly what I mean about 2NE1.
they aren't immune but what I'm saying is the brand will still be there
there will still be a BP even if it's outside of YG or within YG but the members don't renew with YG
they still have brand deals as BP that may or may not continue
with all due respect to 2ne1 would I be correct in saying BP is much bigger now than 2ne1 was when they were forced to disband??? (I wasn't around back then)
I really don't know if there will be a BP if they leave. YG owns the rights to their name, branding and music. Any other company would have to buy all that from YG if all the members decided to switch companies and that's a HUGE amount of money considering how big BP are.
As for 2NE1 - it's complicated. They weren't as big when you look at numbers, no. But, for the time and the state of K-pop internationally then, they absolutely were the equivalent. Put it this way - if 2NE1 were the 3rd gen group, rather than the other way around, they'd be where BP are today. K-pop's gotten bigger overall. It's the same thing with BigBang and BTS.
again as always
if they all renew great
if they don't great
they will always be BP even if they don't - it's not like suddenly one of the biggest names/brands in kpop is just going to disappear
2NE1 did. The girls (and YG) need to play their cards right during these negotiations. Their place in the industry isn't as immune to failure as people think it is just because they're huge right now. And that's no shade to anyone, it's just the nature of the beast.
Good. Next, delay the entire debut by another few years until everyone in the group is an adult. Crazy, I know.
They should let a US label like Atlantic buy them out of YG. The only way they can continue as BP in Korea is under YG as they own the rights to the group's name, branding and music. These would need to be completely bought outright by another company and no label in Korea is gonna spend that amount of money on BP because the few companies that can afford it already have their own cash cows. They either stick with YG and suffer the same fate as 2NE1, they go to a foreign label (with the US being the only other country that fits their brand) or they become soloists.