ThePhantomThief Wanna join ITZY guild ?
Ya know what? Sure! Lets go!
ThePhantomThief Wanna join ITZY guild ?
Ya know what? Sure! Lets go!
Ok, threads a bit old but...
They just released their MV for Holler and it is AMAZING
I know both knetizens and international netizens have same problem for being sensitive in normal situation or exagere the things ....
My thread is my opinion,many knetizens said that tho
It's not opinion.
You tried coming in with numbers.
Numbers that, if we wanted, we could easily own you on.
"Only 30k" on first day puts Itzy in top 5 highest pre-orders for day for a GG, even beating BP the Album, beaten mainly by aespa and BP solos.
Your next "opinion" was that Nayeon did 50k. Which wasn't first day, she did 24k first day. So you owned yourself by actually bringing attention to Itzy beating Nayeon. On numbers. Not opinion.
Then you went off on a wild, unrelated tangent about IVE?
You're right.
the kpop stans re sometime weirdo
Yes, self-reflection is important. Glad you realised.
Nayeon did 50 k for her solo on ktown
You mentioned first day.
You said Itzy did 30k first day, which we know is what they did on KT4U
Which also means Itzy beat Twice for first day sale.
This is quite embarrassing for you.
Seems there could have indeed been something weird going on
And most midzy don’t even preorder on Ktown4u
Thats me.
The Limited Edition had already sold out there before I could order and they are only doing "random" pick for the individual members. Could only afford three + shipping to Australia, wanted LE + Chaeryeong + Yeji so... kpopalbums did me good.
How fast did the limited edition sell out on ktown4u?
It's 3minutes 33seconds of steaming ass
To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if most popular accounts have a share of fake/bought followers.
Followers are cheap, and if you buy JUST enough to fly under the radar of Instagrams attention while still looking "organic", mores the better.
Theres also the possibility of fangroups and bars buying followers for their faves as well. Hell, they buy ads for them...
And a World Tour that WONT come to Australia...
So been thinking about this a bit over the past few days.
I'm a guy, I'll get that out the way.
I've also seen the gross way many male kpop fans act.
I kind of think many males, particularly straight, western males, into kpop got into it through "nerd" pathways, mainly anime. Or sites like reddit or 4chan, which have active male kpop fan presences.
It's a big generalization to make sure, but it's what I've seen.
And many of those types of male, the 4chan reddit anime video gaming nerd fan are... well dicks anyway, kpop fan or not. They tend to be sexist, mysognistic, sometimes racist little perves.