Posts by ThePhantomThief

    The reason why I think it's the staff is bc if the accuser has a solid proof aka the document, they would just revealed it out right from the start.

    I don't think Garams side benefited from the leak so they are also out of questions.

    That leaves either the third party which school staff member, or forgery assuming the document does not exist.

    What I'm still curious about is leaking only the header of the document and not the full text

    Like... if the full text details real bullying by Garam, that would be it, game over.

    But in only releasing the header it gives me three scenarios

    1. A threat. "We have this, so own up now before we do"

    2. The rest of the document actually exonerates Garam. "We did an investigation into Garam and found no wrongdoing from her". The leaker is hiding that because obviously it doesn't match a narrative.

    3. It is fake. It's easier to fake a few lines of the document than a whole report

    too lazy too look it up but speaking specifically about korea the high school that sent letters to military and school where aespa performed at recently would be examples of schools releasing official statements

    yeah official statements, which is exactly what I detailed. Likely vetted through which pathway they go need to go through.

    The schools current comment though comes from a reporter from Money Today contacting them, which probably invoked "no comment".

    Why the school hasn't released an official statement is a different story. But in a case as wrapped up in possible legal issues as this, it's not surprising.

    well keep in mind saying not to interact with media would be a guideline for individual staff not an official public statement from the school.

    Depends on the school type.

    If its a public school, any repsonse may still need to be vetted through official channels, eg a board of education.

    If its private, there is probably a board of directors or similar group, and probably a law firm of some type that helps dictate official response.

    Either way, it's unlikely a reporter can contact a school and get a comment.

    The schools response is basically just "no comment" and is meaningless.

    Are you saying that in Korea, Hybe can then turn around and win a libel lawsuit against the accuser even if the accuser was backed up by all the evidence from the school investigation?


    It KIND of makes a sick kind of sense.

    You can sue for defamation even if true.

    The idea is that you can't use the "truth" about someone to try and destroy or damage their reputation maliciously. For example, a public figure might have had a criminal record for something minor in the past, done the proper punishment and moved on, only done good things since then etc. But, in an attempt to damage that person, someone leaks all the info about their crime, arrest etc and blow it up. While its TRUE, it possibly has no bearing on their current life/actions and releasing it is malicious.

    Or a female celebrity in her late 20's who had an abortion as a teen. Yeah, again, could be true, but what value is there in releasing that info? What intent?

    Of course, it's also a law that itself is weaponised in SK (and Japan as well) to basically try and cover up bad deeds and dirty pasts that SHOULD be exposed as well. For example corporations suing whistleblowers who report on bad work places, environmental damage etc

    Well if that's true, then the schools no comment means nothing

    Of course, media also know that this is a rule and love to try and twist it anyway. One school I was at but had left by then was involved in a big scandal. Some reporter tracked down teachers on social media that had the school in their "employed at" section and asked them questions. When teachers refused to comment or ignored, the reporter then twisted it to "the teachers are refusing to speak and creating a wall of silence".

    So yeah even being required by rules to not comment can be twisted. Which is possibly happening here as well.

    It might be different in Australia, but I'd bet the same general thing exists all over the world.

    I was a high school teacher for a few years. As part of our Code of Conduct, there were clauses about Do NOT interact with media. At all. If media contact you about anything related to the school, students, disciplinary issues, curriculum, the colour of the wallpaper or basically anything, you are to direct them to contact my states Education Dept media contacts and to give "No comment". Even denying something is considered a comment.

    Staff at the school may well be violating their own Code of Conduct or rules by saying anything

    Inst the company job trying to prove that this isn't true instead of just suing everybody and their moms

    Prove God doesn't exist

    Prove that Joe Biden didn't work with Italians to steal the election

    Prove there isn't a heard of 1mm sized pink elephants orbiting around the Earth

    The thing is, it's sometimes difficult, if not impossible, to prove a negative, especially when the "positive" argument is vague. To prove the negative, you need some kind of firm ground to stand on from which to mount an argument. So far, the problem with this case is that the accusations and "evidence" are just flimsy and vague enough to be hard to prove didn't happen beyond saying "nuh uh, that didnt happen" or forcing the accusers to recant. If there were firmer accusations, first hand accounts and things like dates and times, it gives Hypbe/investigators more room to maybe prove those "facts" are wrong.

    I don't think someone would go this far after HYBE threatened to sue if this wasn't true. Mostly because Garam just debuted. She's around for too little time for someone to hate her this much for no reason, while risking being sued for a huge amount of money.

    She might be innocent, but I'm leaning a bit more on "something's fishy" side. I don't care much, however.

    I've defended her a lot, but this new evidence is shifting things.

    Still inclined to err on the side of innocent until proven guilty but wavering.

    BUT... I said at the beginning of this and will say again, if someone/ones from her personal life hate her that much, they might be doing this. In the current climate, if you either hated someone a lot or were actually bullying THEM, the best way to get at them would be to accuse THEM of the wrongdoing. Projection. Get them before they get you.

    But... in the end its starting to look bad if this evidence is real.

    Just a guess, but maybe SOPA, as a feeder school and somewhat "exclusive" is expected to run its own background checks on potential students before admission?

    i won't be neutral on this. i will defend her. anyone can feel free to call me wrong months from now, but i can't get on board with what i'm seeing here and i can't justify it either. reminds me of the essay i wrote for my court functions class today, i had discuss the sentencing theories and one of them was retribution. an eye for an eye. that's what this looks like and i'm not loving it. especially bc she's so young. i was bullied when i was younger, and it might seem ironic that i'm defending a "bully" here, but there's something so cruel about knowing so many people hate you when all you want is to desperately be liked. it is the worst feeling.

    This is how I feel

    I wanted to be neutral on this, but the ridiculous hate and assumption of guilt, even by lots of ifans on places like pan are disgusting. I'm a big believer in innocent until proven guilty and that it is not the job of the accused to prove their innocence in the absence of compelling evidence. It's near impossible to prove a negative after all. I don't think someone should be punished (eg kicked out the group) for accusations.

    So I've been defending her based on these grounds. That the "evidence" so far is second/third hand, hearsay or vague. That some of the things that are true, eg the blackboard, are NOT a reason to bully/hate/kick her out. That SOME of the accusers (eg the one that claimed HYBE is suing them) are actually extremely problematic themselves (that persons twitter account was full of slanderous comments against many people, bullying, trolling and strange fetish cartoon pr*n). That the more extreme accusations of violence (bricks, flower pots, wall shoves) have NO evidence at all.

    If GENUINE evidence comes to light to prove guilt beyond doubt, then I will reassess my defence. But nothing has been proven yet beyond that she was a bit of an idiot in front of a blackboard and shitpost on facebook.

    Whats even worse with some of the ferals baying for her blood is that they have now directed bullying to Eunchae as well, calling her ugly, fat etc.

    I wanted to be a contrarian jerk and dislike IVE for no real reason at all, and managed to stay like that all through Eleven

    But I gave Love Dive a listen when it debuted just because and then that accursed prechorus chant thing got in my head and now today I realised I'd listened to it at least 10 times in one day and also Eleven is now my 4am alarm when I have 6am work shifts...

    I have completely failed being a contrarian jerk and I'm all ready to go full Dive. ||