Posts by 0ppar

    Petition to cancel Blackpink Jisoo's drama 'Snowdrop' close to surpassing 300,000 signatures


    Article: "What do you mean?"…Over 100,000 in one day petition to stop airing of 'Seolganghwa'

    Source: Hankyung

    Criticism is pouring out over Blackpink Jisoo's drama 'Snowdrop.'

    On the 19th, a petition titled, "Petition to stop airing 'Seolganghwa' drama" was posted on Blue House petition board. The author wrote, "the drama already caused a lot of controversy when its synopsis was previously revealed before airing and more than 200,000 people agreed with the petition to suspend the airing of this drama. At that time, the production team had no intention of doing that and argued "there was no setting in the script where male/female protagonists participate in or lead democratization movement." However, once first episode of the drama aired, we clearly saw the female lead rescue the male protagonist who's a spy."

    "At the time of the democratization movement, there are obviously victims who were tortured and killed as spies without any basis. Making a drama with such content despite these historical facts would definitely undermine the value of the movement."

    "In addition, when male protagonist Su-ho (Jung Hae-in), who's a spy, was running away and was chased by another protagonist Ahn Ki-wi (Jang Seong-jo), background music 'Sol-ah, Green Sol-ah' was played. This song was used during student movement and emphasizes the pain and victory of those that were at the front of the movement. We will not tolerate use of such a song as a background music for someone who takes on the role of a spy for the Ministry of Security in the 1980s."

    "Korea is a strict democratic country whose democracy was achieved with suffering and sacrifice of the innocent majority. It's only been 30 years so to air a drama that undermines value of democratization movement should be stopped. The influence of Korean culture is gradually growing and the broadcast industry needs to reconsider seriousness of this historical distortion."

    "This drama will also be available for streaming around the world so to air a drama with such history distortions will instill a false view of the history of the democratization movement to foreigners."


    Meanwhile, on the 18th, 'Snowdrop' aired its first episode on JTBC, however, after controversy arose, the drama changed its Naver Talk channel to private.

    Link to the petition: here


    1. [+6,003, -577] We acted way faster with this drama than 'Joseon Exorcist'. Let's hope this gets canceled from airing soon too.
    2. [+4,584, -424] No matter how much creative freedom you get, you can't distort history!!
    3. [+3,124, -357] Freedom of expression? So that makes it ok to distort the sacrifice of countless people who died in order to gain that freedom???!!!!!! How is that freedom of expression? Think first before you open your mouth!!
    4. [+1,679, -96] Wasn't this drama cursed at when 'Joseon Exorcist' scandal broke out? People were angry that Blackpink's domestic and overseas fans would just blindly trend the drama and won't give a f*** about history distortions because Jisoo is the female lead..?
    5. [+1,140, -100] Just looking at the comment section alone is enough reason why this drama should've never aired. All the more reason why idols shouldn't be cast in dramas!!
    6. [+587, -73] The only people ok with this airing are the Chinese and Korean-Chinese. They must enjoy living under dictatorships I guess.
    7. [+382, -12] Shouldn't this drama have been blocked from airing once Joseon Exorcist got cancelled?
    8. [+138, -112] 100,000 signatures in a day...daebak! Is there any other drama that has achieved this yetㅋㅋㅋ?
    9. [+15, -0] Stop casting idols in dramas!!!


    T/N: context, there's a new Blue House petition opened by Snow Drop's minor Gallery on DC Gallery (t/n: female celebrities community similar to Ilbe and FMKorea) refuting history distortion and Chinese dumping money for the drama, etc.

    드라마 설강화 진실을 알려드립니다. > 대한민국 청와대
    나라를 나라답게, 국민과 함께 갑니다.















    There sure are a damn lot of English comments🤔

    original post: here

    1. Why are i-roaches on a South Korean national petition the f*ck? ㅋㅋ..

    2. I really hope journalists jump on this to reportㅋㅋ We should send them all the i-roaches who signed the petition and their Tweets too (t/n: the last Snowdrop reaction from international fans made it to mainstream news)

    3. Wow... If you want to sign, pay our taxes...

    4. What are they even doing?🤷‍♀️

    "This is a "SOUTH KOREAN" national petition? Why is there Indonesian? Are you kidding me?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F**ck we need to request for personal ID for all national petitions in the future. Ah but then what to do with underage people."

    5. You pay our taxes then. What business do you have dictating what other countries deem distortion of history or not? Why are you even signing?

    6. Jisoo fans are translating the method to sign our petition everywhere and advertising it online. I hope you include this in the post too!


    8. Like singers like fansㅋㅋㅋㅋ She's seriously turning me off

    9. Jisoo's fans are so low... Singing a 'NATIONAL' petition when you're a foreigner? Do you have no fear?

    10. Look at them insisting that you can rig results on a national petition.....

    11. It's amazing that international fans are excited over thisㅋ

    12. Who else would sign this aside from Jisoo and BP fans?

    13. They're always trying to rig the award shows votes all the time and now they've gone as far as signing our national petition? Pay our taxes thenㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    14. No butㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ F*ck you don't even fuss learning about our history and you have the nerve to do this? F*ck

    15. This person was shielding Snowdrop so f*cking much and my Twitter friend went to call her out so she deleted her account

    16. Saya setuju << This is Indonesian language

    17. I'm getting more and more annoyed. They're so ignorant and insist on believing what they want to believe. Do they realize that they're trying to interfere with other countries' historical issues by exploiting the system designed for national democracy? Do they think that this is some kind of votes for an award show? Seriously i-roaches are straight up bugs, even their names don't do them justice

    18. Wow I cringed............ physically

    19. I'm not going to support Blackpink in the future anymore

    20. This Korean person is a fool for translating for i-roaches and even claimed she got a lawyer?
    "Right now, I'm believing the opinions of lawyers about Snowdrop obviously way more than those cyber wreckers on communities and Youtube (t/n: 렉카=wrecker, term used when referring to people who are bandwagoning on controversies)
    Let's just continue to enjoy Snowdrop and support Jisoo. I will support all characters and storyline!!! Anyways, as expected, educated people aren't rash in jumping to conclusions"


    Koreans announce boycott of Disney+ for streaming Blackpink Jisoo's 'Snowdrop' drama on its Korea debut


    Article: "Why did you pick this drama?” Disney+ under boycott while trying to catch up with Netflix

    Source: Herald Business

    Disney+ is under controversy for streaming controversial JTBC drama 'Seolganghwa.'

    'Snowdrop' was chosen as the "first Korean drama" to air on Disney+ after its debut in Korea however the streaming service is facing backlash and boycotts for airing a drama embroiled in controversy over history distortions. This is bad news for Disney+ who had planned to catch up to Netflix by increasing its catalogue of Korean dramas available on the service.

    According to industry officials on the 20th, online communities are increasingly demanding to stop streaming of 'Snowdrop' on Disney+. The e-mail address and contact information of the person in charge of Disney+ is also currently being circulated as well as specific details to be mentioned when requesting to cancel airing of the drama.

    Korean and U.S customer centers are also currently being flooded with complaints and as controversy grows, Disney + has announced "they're investigating the situation."


    The netizen that wrote the post argued, "Seolganghwa history distortion controversy of pro-democracy movement is not something that was just announced today. It's problematic that Disney+ chose to air this as their first Korean drama on its Korean debut without proper content verification. There are concerns foreigners who come across this content may have wrong perception of our history."

    As a result of the boycott, the number of daily active users for the service have plummeted 45%, from 590,000 in November to 310,000 in December, since its launch in Korea on the 12th of last month.

    Meanwhile, 'Snowdrop' is currently embroiled in controversy for history distortions of the democratic movement and female lead (Jisoo) is also facing backlash for her terrible acting skills in the drama.

    Blue House petition to cancel airing of this drama in Korea has received over 299,000 signatures.


    1. [+1,884, -35] Disney+ probably picked Korea to escape China's clutches but ended up picking a drama and broadcast company backed by Chinese money ㅋㅋㅋ. Stop airing this drama now before you lose even more money!!
    2. [+859, -57] Jisoo-ya, practice your pronunciations first before trying your hand at acting..
    3. [+606, -18] Ah~ that data screen...just...looks like a Chinese martial arts drama ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    4. [+403, -11] It's exactly because this drama is backed by the Chinese that they chose to air thisㅋㅋ. Are people seriously not aware that Disney is a representative Chinese company.
    5. [+304, -12] Disney itself is largely backed by Chinese capital. That's why they ruined Mulan.
    6. [+61, -0] The Chinese didn't choose to invest in this for no reason, it's how they're infiltrating our country. This is just another drama chosen to cast doubt on our history by spreading Xi Jinping's propaganda. That's why it exclusively airs on JTBC...
    7. [+53, -23] Seriously why are people so angry over this drama? Where in episode 1 or 2 did you see them putting down democratization movement? Watch a couple more episodes first before you open your mouths!!
    8. [+23, -0] The history distortion controversy in this drama is a huge issue but even worse than that is Jisoo's acting..
    9. [+17, -4] A Disney boycott ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    10. [+9, -0] Is it a coincidence that YG was involved in the production of this drama and Joseon Exorcist, both heavily funded by Chinese money and embroiled in history distortions...and for Jisoo to end up as the female lead?

    Disney+ is holding meetings to figure out what to do about the growing controversy about Snowdrop

    [오~컬쳐]JTBC '설강화' 논란에 '디즈니+'도 진땀
    JTBC 드라마 '설강화'가 역사 왜곡 논란으로 홍역을 앓고 있는 가운데 대중의 시선이 월트디즈니컴퍼니(이하 디즈니)에 쏠리고 있다. 디즈니의 인터넷동영상서비스(OTT) '디즈니 플러스'(+)에서 설강화를 동시 공개

    Pura Chicken pulled ads from the drama. This is significant because Jung Hae In is their spokesmodel:

    "정해인 응원했는데"…푸라닭도 '설강화' 광고 손절
    [서울=뉴시스] 최지윤 기자 = 치킨 브랜드 푸라닭이 JTBC 주말극 '설강화' 광고를 중단한다

    Dyson pulled their ads:


    Additional brands dropping, including Seoul Milk, Sarijae Village, T-Gen, Yogiyo and Joss Lounge:

    '정해인'의 푸라닭도 설강화 손절… 식음료업계 광고 중단 잇따라 - 머니투데이

    I think some blinks on Twitter should stop speaking over Koreans, they should know that they aren't helping Jisoo at all by doing so and are only bringing more attention to her as a individual. The criticism is mostly towards JTBC and the drama than only single person, what they are doing might bring people to hate on Jisoo particularly.

    i-fans staunch defense of snowdrop is hurting their reputation in Korea.

    BLACKPINK fans think ‘Snowdrop’ is fine because it’s the drama “approved” by the Blue House – Knetizen – Netizens talk about K-Pop

    One of the three largest sponsors of JTBC's 'Snowdrop' canceled its sponsorship after the drama's controversy over historical inaccuracy.

    On December 20th, P&J Group announced its cancellation of sponsorship. According to the company representative, they have initially decided to sponsor the drama after being offered to promote their brand in a drama starring BLACKPINK's Jisoo and actor Jung Hae In.

    Representative Jung said, "We invested without knowing the details of the plot thinking it would have a good advertising effect. I did not think I should investigate further after being reassured by the staff of the drama saying problematic scenes have been edited out to pass the broadcasting standards."

    He continued, "After learning more about the issue we have now requested to take our sponsorship off and they have confirmed to take our name out from the third episode."





    They were even relaying the real time ratings when it was broadcasting



    But the ratings that they were looking at were from the audience on Olleh TV app....

    Can someone tell them that these were just the ratings in that app
    and that it's not the real viewership....?ㅋㅋㅋ.........

    Every time, they start tweeting about reactions manipulation in Korea..ㅋㅋ

    They are using the lyrics to say that Koreans are two-faced



    They are even proudly bragging about the show being #1 on an illegal Chinese app...
    They are not even paying but are watching it illegallyㅋ

    original post: here

    1. Dumb i-roaches

    2. BP's i-roach fans are not only disgusting but dumb.. there's a reason why they are using her even when she's acting like a foot

    3. Looking at the YT comments, they are saying that haters are just jealous, f*ck. Looks like they only have poop for brains

    4. All of the Blackpink i-roaches are fools without exception

    5. Jisoo who's dumbly shooting Snowdrop. Like fans like artistㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    6. Their IQ... I don't even wanna talk to them, ugh

    7. Like singer❤️ like fans

    8. Tsk, pathetic

    9. Plz study hangul🙏 (T/N: in English)

    10. I-roaches are just so dumb ㅠㅠ



    The viewers' ratings for the first episode of 'Snowdrop' were released late.

    According to data released by Nielsen Korea, a ratings research company, on the morning of the 20th, JTBC's new Saturday drama 'Snowdrop', which was first broadcast on the 18th, recorded 2.985% in viewership nationwide.


    On the other hand, Nielsen Korea did not disclose the ratings data on the 18th and 19th due to the recent server relocation work.


    original post: here

    1. Even so, they told us to judge after watching so I watched ep. 1 but I have no will to watch the rest

    2. How can 2.9% be considered high? Maybe I'm just a noob. Ah, of course it's high if you compare it to other trash dramas

    3. It's just a fact that this kind of viewership for a first ep. is a fail. What a shame though, they could've failed more

    4. It's pretty high... for a trash like this

    5. Yup, it failed

    6. You think that such viewership is high? Isn't this considered low?;;;; But of course, it needs to be lowered even more

    7. It f*cking failed

    8. Even if it was 10%, we should still scrap it all

    9. Stop overrating this~ I just took JTBC's viewers' rating and they failed hard. Even if you added Snowdrop here, it failed. Just why are people insisting that it's high?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    (T/N: From left to right (Best score - average score)
    Law School (Wed/Thur) 6.89% - 5.3%
    Sisyphus (Wed/Thur) 6.67% - 4.96%
    Beyond Evil (Fri/Sat) 5.99% - 4.71%
    Undercover (Fri/Sat) 5.22% - 3.80%
    Lost (Sat/Sun) 4.19% - 2.14%
    Run On (Wed/Thur) 3.77% - 2.99%
    Reflection of You (Wed/Thur) 3.63% - 2,63%
    Hush (Fri/Sat) 3.38% - 2.49%
    Monthly Magazine Home (Wed/Thur) 3.17% - 2.33%
    Inspector Koo (Sat/Sun) 2.74% - 2.14%
    Lipstick (Mon/Tue) 2.42% - 1.84%
    Nevertheless (Sat) 2.20% - 1.47%
    Idol (Mon/Tue) 0.75% - 0.59%)

    10. ㅋㅋ The viewership failed so let's just go with the cancellation. Of course, even 2.9% is too generous for this drama

    11. Please hit 0% next

    12. If the pilot episode scores this low ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ there's no way to watch it in real time except from your TV so they can't even score higher than that?...ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    13. Utter failure

    14. Even 1% would've been too much. I hope it scores 0% and becomes an utter failure

    15. A lot of people watched it just to confirm the plot content too


    (second to last name)

    "Hello, we have never participated in sponsoring SD drama.
    Truly, they have never even sent us any document for request to sponsor the drama either.
    They have written our brand by mistake because we're a clothing company.
    Regarding this mistake, we have requested through our lawyer to ask the show to correct it. We hope that this false information will not lead to more misunderstanding"

    original post: here

    1. SD sure are hilariousㅋㅋ

    2. This is dumbfounding..

    3. They're even distorting their sponsorsㅋㅋㅋㅋAmazing

    4. Huh is this even possible?

    5. What the? Are they taking the 'my money, my purchase' thing too far and applying it even in their sponsors?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ This is crazy (t/n: 내돈내산 = new movement in Korea, specifically applied to hauls on SNS, where people show what they actually spend with their own money rather than what the sponsors made them post)

    6. They even distort their sponsors...

    7. No but this is my first time seeing something like thatㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    8. Distortion of sponsorsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Freaking funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    9. Hul they never sponsored SD?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ This drama is a mess

    10. ???? They even go as far as distorting their sponsorsㅋㅋㅋ


    T/n: Paraphrased

    - We want to express our position regarding SD's issue
    - First of all, we apologize for everyone who got hurt from the history distortion
    - We have signed our sponsorship deal before the script or synopsis were revealed
    - The clothing team approached us mentioning about BP Jisoo playing a popular university student from the 1980s. They also said that the director's work included Sky Castle.
    - Ganisong has 0 experience sponsoring celebrities, so we viewed this opportunity positively
    - After watching SD, we have asked JTBC to remove all of our parts related to them. They said they are in the middle of removing them.
    - They said they can't remove every scene where our clothes appeared, but they will do their best removing them
    - We have responded to the sponsorship request without thorough research on the background of the drama
    - We will work hard to proceed with sponsorships carefully in the future

    (Ganisong posted the picture of the text they received from JTBC)
    - Hello this is JTBC SD clothing team!
    - SD has Jisoo and Jung Hae In as leads and the director produced Sky Castle
    - We're sending you a sponsor request for Jisoo's outfit
    - Jisoo il playing a bright university student in 1987, who is very popular among her friends
    - We are sending you Jisoo's size too

    original post: here

    1. Ganisong👏👏👏 I will remember you

    2. So cool

    3. Thank you so much

    4. It's so nice that they released their own statementㅠㅠ

    5. Ganisong, I'll be purchasing from you

    6. Ganisong hit daebak

    7. I love the way they dealt with this

    8. This was clean and cool

    9. I will be supporting on IG

    10. Wow Ganisong made me emotional. This is such a cool way to deal with the situation


    "I sent an inquiry to Disney+ Korea too and they said that seeing the strong inflow of complaints, they are dealing with it now. However, I kinda felt the frustration of the customer service guy in his answersㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Anyway, it seems that Disney+ Korea is fully aware of the situation, so it would be better to attack the headquarters instead."image.png
    - Right now, there are a lot of people just like customer-nim who have sent similar inquiries. We have already seen them and are dealing with them now.
    - I have submitted a strong request to deal with this issue as fast as possible.
    - This part (scene) is also our history, there were parts that made me angry too, this is our country's history.

    Looking at the way he speaks, it seems like the same Disney + person from last time (t/n: this issue is unrelated to SD, the Disney+ agent's manner of speech was so funny that he became a buzz in Korea)

    - If there's anything else I can help-
    - Ok
    - Thank you
    - Thank you for using Disney
    - Please have a magical day

    original post: here

    1. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He has to be a gyopo, he looked pissed offㅋㅋㅋㅋ He's doing a good job

    2. Even if he's a gyopo, he's just as frustrated about the distortion of history as we are, what a reliable guy. It's nice to seeㅋㅋㅋ Fighting fighting

    3. Magical day...F*ckㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I burst out laughing at that part

    4. Magical day f*ckㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    5. This person is so funnyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋanyways, I'm looking forward to the strong actions he's takengㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    6. Magical dayㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    7. Is he really Korean...?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    8. It's nice to know they're aware of it

    9. He sounds a bit dumb, but you can tell he's kindㅠㅠㅠ fighting!!!

    10. No but do they only have 1 customer agent? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


    Posted on December 19, 2021



    (T/N: From Wiki - In the 1980s, as president of the student council in the linguistics department of Seoul National University, [Park Jong-Cheol] was one of activists in universities struggling against Chun Doo-hwan's dictatorship and the aftermath of the 1980 Gwangju Massacre. Detained during an investigation into such activities, Park refused to confess the whereabouts of one of his fellow activists. During the interrogation, authorities used waterboarding techniques to torture him, eventually leading to his death on 14 January.)

    T/N: the below is paraphrased

    On the 20th, a representative of the Democratic Martyr Park Jong-cheol Memorial Foundation told CBS No-cut News on the 20th, "The three axes of state power, the NSA, the Headquarters of National Police, and the security officer, carried out the government's violence against the people at the time. It was carried out systematically, and torture and violence were used as means of control by instilling fear in the daily life of the people.”

    "Violence and torture trampled on a person's dignity and created a sense of fear and humiliation. The scars cannot be recovered. I'm afraid that victims will recall even a fragment of the memory of their suffering, so I cannot tell you in detail."

    The article also points out that linking the democratic movement or the NSA with spies could eventually rationalize and justify their acts of violence which will result in a second round of abuse for the victims. The democratic movement and NSA should never be linked to spies because many students and protestors were killed and tortured by being falsely labeled as North Korean spies. In the drama 'Snowdrop', the NSA is chasing after the real spy which is being hidden by the female student which justifies the acts of the NSA.

    The representative also commented about the production team of Snowdrop and JTBC saying that they are romanticizing the horrible past and distorting history.


    original post: here

    1. [+944, -20]
    Thanks to whom can you make dramas and live freely while enjoying democracy? If you have a brain and any conscience, try something called thinking. Don't let these people who call themselves "Korean" come forward and distort Korean history and disparage the democratization movement. The victims and people involved are still alive with their eyes freshly sharpened. What are you doing? Are you out of your mind?

    2. [+528, -11]
    This is seriously the endㅋㅋㅋ Snowdrop's early cancellation, good work

    3. [+361, -4]
    Just how scary is the power of the media? They need to know some shame seeing how Korean contents are being the hot issue around the world and that Korean historical dramas are being viewed internationally. It wasn't enough for them to inflict secondary damage to the victims? Should Moon Hae-In just shut his eyes down because he thinks of it as fiction? Seriously, there are so many crazy people blinded by money

    4. [+341, -5]
    They are belittling the democracy that was achieved by our ancestors who bled to death? They can't be in their right minds. Scrap everything

    5. [+185, -4]
    Honestly, there's no way someone who likes history would film this without knowing anything. There's no way they don't know about 1987


    Ssarijai Market: They have already edited everything until episode 12 so it will be hard for them to make any corrections, which worries us. Although we have strongly asked them (to remove their props)...
    We are thankful for your actions. I participated in a democratization protest as a freshman in 1989, and for that, I'm embarrassed.
    I too have signed the petition.


    Picture: We apologize for our props support to JTBC's Snowdrop
    (t/n: we will not translate the whole apology for the sake of time. Condensed format only)
    - They have received a call last December to become a sponsor from the show's props team
    - They have no experience, as a small business, sponsoring props, so they have decided to make the deal thinking it will help them advertise
    - They only knew about the actors participating in the show, not the content of the show
    - They acknowledge that SD has many parts distorting the pro-democratization movement, and they have called the show immediately to withdraw their support
    - They said they've already completed editing everything until episode 12 so it would be hard to re-edit
    - It's possible that Ssarijai's logo is found until ep. 12
    - Apologize over participating in a drama that shows no consideration in distorting history

    T/n: paraphrased
    title: Due to the inflow of orders, delivery might be delayed.
    - Thank you for finding our business
    - There were a lot of people who put their order after December 19th 4PM with Ssarijai (t/n: their official apology was uploaded at 6PM on the 19th, but the Katalk chat between the netizen and Ssarijai mentioning them pulling out has already started spreading before the apology, around 4PM)
    - They're doing the best to fill the in the orders, but it's possible that their supplies might be lacking
    - It will be hard for them to ship everything until 9AM on Monday.

    original post: here

    1. People are warm

    2. Leave me some red bean porridgeㅠㅠㅠㅠ

    3. I just bought some pollack powderㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    4. My red bean porridgeㅠㅠㅠ

    5. Pigs, leave me some

    6. This is so cool

    7. Please prosper

    8. I just bought tea and rice cakes

    9. Don't underestimate us pigs ability🐷

    10. the pigs did a good job🐷👍


    OP: I heard you were a sponsor for SD? I'm disappointed
    Teazen: Teazen has never sponsored the production of SD, we were just shown through a simple advertisement, but we have immediately requested them to stop. We apologize for unintentionally hurting you and making you uncomfortable.

    They were revealed to be one of the advertisements before the show aired

    original post: here

    1. I'm enjoying their productㅎㅎ

    2. Their official statement

    - This is Teazen, specialty tea brand
    - We bow our head down and apologize due to the concern of the advertisement sponsorship
    - We have not directly participated in the production of the show, we only paid for simple advertisement
    - We have cancelled our sponsorship
    - We have no involvement in anything related to the drama's prouction

    3. I'm heading towards Teazen for their kombucha

    4. I'm enjoying their product so much~~ I'm happy to be able to continue enjoying them

    5. Their berry flavored kombucha is f*cking delicious. I just bought 6 boxes

    6. I only buy Teazenㅠㅠㅠ This is a reliefㅠㅠㅠ

    7. I was scared I wouldn't be able to enjoy Teazen's tea anymore

    8. Teazen's roasting tea is f*cking nice. I was worried, but this is a relief

    9. Teazen❤️

    10. Ah f*ck I almost had to stop drinking kombucha..

    I seriously can't believe after all the Joseon Exorcists and Mr. Queen backlash they didn't make any edits to this drama. Concerns about this drama have been circulating since summer. Even if most of the drama was already shot, they knew it was going to be an issue months in advance. This drama will leave a big stain on the actors, director, and writers career

    But they did make edits...they changed the name of Jisoo's character from Young Cho to Young Ro


    Just in case, I hid the celebrity and the fandom's names


    original post: here

    1. Will they feel good if they got their own country's history distorted?

    2. They are the kids who like k-pop also cursing at Korea at the same time? Then why do they like k-pop???

    3. If those i-roaches know nothing about others' country, just shut up and stay still. If you know f*ck all, don't interfere

    4. Everywhere you go, people with common sense just save their words and don't want to waste their time engaging in useless fights with trolls. So in the end, trolls and stupid people become the loudest. It's not that they are the ones who won

    5. I'm happy that a part of them have common sense

    6. Back then, there was a comment saying how they saw that people were fans of k-pop and k-drama while also hating Korea... seems like it was true... I guess that it's true if even the natives are saying so.... seriously, I don't understand them. I hope that they just fangirl on their own country's content and leave Korea alone

    7. I-roaches are seriously disgusting... I understand why we see them as insects now..

    8. I-roaches are hilariousㅋㅋㅋㅋ they like Korean culture and Korean kids but are also busy hating on Korea due to their inferiority complex

    9. TheQoo is famous ㅋㅋㅋ

    10. I don't know if the Indonesians are gonna translate this comment but the director of 'The Act of Killing' released the Indonesian full version on YT. The Indonesian version is called 'JAGAL'

    11. 2%...? That makes us 1 millionㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    12. ~Theqoo town~ (t/n: comment in English)

    13. TheQoo metropolitan ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    14. Who said TheQoo metropolitan?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    15. The one who started influencing international fandoms and created those tendencies is Allkpop. From translating articles to straight up fabricating them and introducing scandals in Korea intentionally and now they even translate Netizens' comments.. They do this to paint Korea in a bad light and get us sworn at and they always compare us with Japan because they can use Japan to earn money. They're not normal. Because of them, other foreign websites were made to bash Korea.





    The original tweet is here:

    (T/N: the tweets have now been deleted)

    original post: here

    1.That's a crazy f*cker....

    2. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ please try to write more bullsh*t like this. It's people like them that exposes just how f*cked up this drama really isㅇㅇ

    3. Are they a spy?ㅋㅋㅋ This f*cked up drama is making all these f*ckers appear

    4. What they are saying is so ridiculous that I can't even be mad..

    5. That's why democracy is so good. This kind of f*cker can even share their own opinion in their little corner

    6. An ilbe who's good at English🤮

    7. F*ck they are crazy, why are they doing that? I reported it


    (You're bullsh*tting..)

    8. Look at them bullsh*tting with the "Hi I'm Korean"ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    9. Look at that level of IQ

    10. I can now see the level of BLACKPINK fans


    First of all, I'm putting Jisoo who received the script and acted in the drama personally aside. I'm so turned off by the other 3 who promoted the drama on their Insta too.... They know their influence so is this really the right thing to do?

    post response:


    original post: here

    1. [+235, -5]

    Why are people shielding them at the bottom? The fact that they knew their influence and still shared it on their Insta story is enough to be turned off...?

    2. [+200, -3]

    But couldn't YG or Jisoo expect that appearing in a drama that distorts history will end up getting such reactions? Rather than saying that they did nothing wrong, they must have wanted to be part of it themselves

    3. [+175, -2]

    I'm curious as to why YG would participate in this.. They are hiding their artists because of how lazy and unbothered they are but are supporting this kind of thing?ㅋ Were BLACKPINK's lives threatened to be doing this? To be honest, I was annoyed seeing my bias' support post.

    4. [+70, -2]

    BLACKPINK's influence is way to big to say that this drama will just be viewed as a "drama". What's worse is that foreign fans are shielding the history distortion. Trying to distort history is not right

    5. [+67, -2]

    I f*cking hate this Seriously, this is the proof of their empty brains



    (What they are saying)

    The foreign fans are shielding this drama using the logic that "Blue House approved it" so the drama is fine. No but which drama even need an "official approval"? (T/N: saying that the fact that this drama needed an approval makes it abnormal)

    These empty brained fans are just repeating the same thing while going around saying "our ** has done nothing wrong"



    original post: here

    1. What BS is this?








    3. Foreign fans, get out

    4. Are they crazy? We are not even a communist country

    5. If these I-roaches don't know anything, they should just stay still

    6. So Korea has now turned into China?

    7. The proof of their empty brainsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    8. In what world are they living in?ㅋㅋ

    9. Where are these people from?

    10. Don't act carelessly if you know nothing about others' history





    (article summarizes plot points where history was distorted, these were discussed in yesterday's dump post)


    original post: here

    1. [+3,437, -281]
    We acted way faster than towards Joseon Exorcist this time, let's hope this gets cancelled faster too

    2. [+2,387, -157]
    No matter how much creative freedom you put into a work, you can't distort history..

    3. [+1,731, -164]
    Freedom of expression? What you're doing is distorting what the people who fought for your freedom of expression went through!!??????? You call this freedom of expression??? Please think before talking!!!!!!

    4. [+856, -33]
    Weren't people already swearing at this drama when Joseon Exorcist's scandal broke? People were talking about how that BlackPink singer is the female lead and that the international fans won't give any f*ck about anything and blindly love everything

    5. [+678, -34]
    Just reading comments here should be enough arguments as to why this drama should've never been broadcasted.


    t/n: we will only translate a few of each screenshot since they all share similar opinion

    - A drama that distorts history'
    - The content is seriously severe... They even mentioned the case where president Kim Dae Jung was bitten as a spy. Is this r*tarded writer's brain completely empty? Did they receive an order from the radioactive monkeys to broadcast this... They're insane


    - Movie that beautified Nazi the same way Snowdrop is doing it
    - Hansplus suspended support for Snowdrop (t/n: we will make a separate post about the sponsors situation)
    - I watched Snowdrop and I feel disgusted

    - Added list of Snowdrop's advertisers and production support companies to boycott
    - Snowdrop's drama is totally a national burden
    - Snowdrop cancellation petition


    t/n: some articles have the same title in every community, what usually happens is that Knets will usually take an article from 1 community, and paste the exact same thing on other community to spread the awareness or check for their reactions. It happens all the time. ex) someone from PANN taking a screenshot from a post from theqoo, etc.

    - I didn't know that Snowdrop's distortion of history would be this huge of a mess..
    - Ganisong's apology regarding supporting Snowdrop
    - Is there a list of sponsors for Snowdrop?


    - Behind Snowdrop's true identity is YG again...
    - The hidden agenda behind Snowdrop
    - Request for Teazen to stop sponsoring Snowdrop
    - Busan Ilbo 'Distortion of history controversy' Snowdrop, broadcast cancellation petition surpassed 130K
    - Companies that stopped sponsoring Snowdrop


    "Snowdrop's petition surpassed 151,082 signatures in one day"
    - Ohㅋㅋㅋ It was so funny it made me log inㅋㅋ
    - The most legendary of legendary
    - I just signed it!
    - I signed it
    - They touched what they should've never touched..
    - I just signed it


    - JTBC's lost their minds once again...
    - It wasn't even fun and they're losing money because the Chinese investors are the ones getting it. The Chinese investors are receiving all the money, that's why [dramas] are getting boring... JTBC sucks nowadays..
    - Sung Sikyung is shielding the drama because he sang their OST..

    - What really shocks me is that a considerable amount of actors + staff from the movie <1987>. [talking about who are overlapping].
    - The bugs are already going around refuting distortion


    - I can't believe such a trashy drama got shot. Who will even buy to watch it?
    - JoongAngIlbo received money from China to make this drama
    - The petition is up, please sign it.
    - They were persistent in claiming that they didn't twist anything but this is straight up a drama made from the North East Project.
    And Disney+ who bought this drama should also be boycotted
    - It's a new kind of ability to be able to validate arts and culture through imagination


    - [foreign] Media that supports Snowdrop
    - Why are people shielding Snowdrop's actors...?
    - There's nothing to shield about Snowdrop's actors
    - "Distortion of the pro-democratic movement"... 'Snowdrop', broadcast cancellation petition surpassed 130K
    - Summary of issues with Snodrop
    - Afterthoughts from Snowdrop's ep.1. I have a lot to say


    They're no different from the reactions on Theqoo. None of them.
    Ilbe, are the same as usual (t/n: meaning they loved Snowdrop)
    FmKorea, there's a portion of them that thinks the show is r*tarded (t/n: FmKorea is the equivalent of Ilbe, similar to DC Gallery)
    DC Gallery, they have a fanpage for Snowdrop, they act like a fansite

    original post: here

    1. It's still a relief that the majority of communities are rational

    2. Ilbe, FmKorea and DCㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The hopeless brothers

    3. Ilbe, FmKorea bugs as expectedㅋㅋㅋ They're freaking f*ckers

    4. Thanks to the communities making it an issue, the muggles are onto it too nowㅋㅋ

    5. An ilbe dramaㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    6. Ilbe, FmKorea and DCㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ They're too obvious

    7. Ilbe = FmKorea = LmbPark, don't forget LmbPark

    8. What a relief. I have hope in humanity again

    9. On Twitter too (t/n: talking about Korean Twitter)

    10. Ilbe = FmKorea = DC, the unbreakable ruleㅋㅋㅋㅋ