Posts by rlqtadri

    If people are vaccinated I don't really understand the need for those rules. Yeah, you might catch COVID but so what? the shots are supposed to make the symptoms of the virus less severe so you don't end up ill or worse. If people go to a place where you're in close contact with other people where there's screaming and what not I think those people know the risks

    and if for whatever reason they're not vaccinated and they're there anyway... well they also know the risks. It's clear that COVID is not going away. This whole "zero covid" plan that some places are trying is not going to work. When do we start returning to normal and stop with the fear and unnecessary rules?

    Same. The "IN YOUR FACE" sexualization of minors is so gross. The lyrics, the styling.. you have to be very young or being ignorant on purpose. Nobody is attacking the girls. They obviously have no control. It's just sad how the KPOP community is so willing to defend pedo's and the pimping of minors. Gives me a icky feeling.

    Does it matter whether she's a bully or the victim now? the fact is she was removed from the group for a reason and her existence in the group was bringing all the girls down with her bad reputation. HYBE invested ALOT into that girl. They wouldn't spend all their time and money on her only to shrug their shoulders and be like "eh whatever". Lot's of idols were accused of being bullies whether they were from small/mid etc companies and were proven innocent. You're telling me one of the biggest companies in Korea couldn't disprove their idol wasn't a bully but a random youtuber can? come on. Us LE SSERAFIM stans just want to move on already. We're lucky the whole bullying circus didn't overshadow our girls debut. Lot's of anti's tried using that girl to cancel out the girls successes. Most of us don't even mention her by name because of how tired we are of her being used against us/the girls. So I'll say this as nicely as I can if you're actually a stan too.... just stop. You're not helping. The situation has been settled. We don't want bullying and LE SSERAFIM to be lumped together anymore. We'd like to start a new chapter without drama, accusations, and multiple attempts of sabotage. Thank you.

    I don't get why people act like once you reach a certain age you shouldn't be allowed to enjoy KPOP anymore. Just like with any other genre of music, I'm going to enjoy it even if i'm in my 90's. Makes no sense to "quit".. I swear. There must be some age shaming going on somewhere if people are feeling they have to "quit" a music genre lmao

    Here's a life tip: stop giving a fuck about what people think and enjoy what you like for as long as you like it........ (as long as it's legal OFC) Life is too short bruh.

    I don't care about Weekly and it does sound similar but can we not forget Ava Max is literally a Lady Gaga clone .. there's not even a tiny bit of originality in her music or her image... just a mere product of the music industry trying to replicate the success of a (true artist Lady Gaga) and failing ..

    I think that people are treating the girls too harshly i mean they were literally teens between the age of 13 and 17, everyone knows that everyone is immature at that age. When i was 13 i used to fight with my friends all the time , teenage years are the hardest years in someone's life and people are judging them as if they were growing adults what the heck

    Okay but like fighting with your friends shouldn't lead to one of them being pushed to the point of attempting suicide ... I don't know why so many April fans try to forget that part of the story. She almost took her own life because of what happened to her while she was in April. The ages don't matter when shit as serious as suicide happens. There's no excuse.