South Korea better knows.
South Korea better knows.
Spotify: LGO reached 200 M stream on spotify less time than your random song.
Itune: LGO has more #1 than your random song.
Billboard digital song sales: LGO peaked #1.
The after performance of LGO remained better than your random song.
You Tube: Most viewed, Most liked, Most commented Title track of kpop of 2020 being a emotional song with no choreo.
Billboard 3 ace chart #1.
If i am not wrong these are the main indicators of Global hits.
hylt was bigger then lgo globally
Good joke...SAVE_20210217_141059.gif
Display MoreBeing blind is a vritue I guess.
My last comment here but its not a flop but it under performed for BTS standards.
Don't insult now whole kpop except BTS!!!
If each & every song's performance will be compared with Dynamite Success, the rest of Kpop will be seen as flop.
If Each & every kpop idol's achievement will be compared with BTS's achievement, the rest of kpop will seen as underperformed.
And sometimes i wonder, the sick ppl who point their Finger on LGO, guess what their fav's sick songs can't even lick on the spot 10.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
May be bcs,not using their time on their fav's song, they are too busy in downplaying lgo. The South Korea's pride song.
It is an emotional song with no choreo. For this, the slowing down after, is normal...
Main reason kpopies are so horny on LGO.
May be because, South Korea proud of LGO: A song more on than their existing favs.😂
LGO is the song that hold the pride of South Korean Language on the map of Music Industry's one of the highest momentum singlehandedly.
And guess what the kpopie who bark on LGO, their fav can't even lick on the spot 10...SAVE_20210216_012650.gif
Everything from this group is overrated
Just like your fav?
Its ok...💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Mic Drop is Dope, but Spring Day is hope. A queen indeed.
Didn't your fandom announce it with mike that it would happen on 2020?🤔
What happened?
After 5 yrs of career, new Artist!!
A wise has said, "You won't need to blow trumpet for your Upcoming result, your result will speak for you. And when you blow but result doesn't come.. It is nothing but embarrassment "
No, spring day is number 3, black swan is the queen, Let's fight
"No, not today"
Spring Day was, is & always be queen....
black swan should be first, FIRST I tell you
Let's go at it :pepe-cute:
Nope, nope...
Spring Day is called Queen of South Korea for a reason.
Black Swan is her sibiling but Spring Day is queen.
This song should have been grammy nominated, fight me if you disagree :pepe-cute:
Grammy won't nominate an Asian country's language song. No matter how outstanding the song is. There is a thing called "Xenophobia" that was, is & always stick to their Skin.
Black swan- same lyrics, same vocals, same scales, same note, same raps, same choreography but lyrics in English, Grammy would have nominated it without thinking for a moment.
The same reason goes to not nominating 2020's most sold, most acclaimed Album of the world "Mots7".
For me,
Spring Day>Black swan>>>>>>> the rest of BTS discovery( Though i love each of them)
Big Hit played under Water ninja technique with Black Swan using "No Teaser", "Sudden release" stars. Thus the result.
But Black Swan was, is & always be masterpiece!!!
Yup, I remember reading the threads here as well. Tbh I only posted this here bcoz I like the pics of the idols posted in the article
Finally, the truth came out..
This article was translated 2 hours ago so that translation site was late on this topic i guess
I don't know about translation. But this news came out on every kpop site more than 2 days ago.