Should I hurry it up? paste it real quick then we jump to the plans?
should be okay.. I’m not that sleepy yet..
Should I hurry it up? paste it real quick then we jump to the plans?
should be okay.. I’m not that sleepy yet..
bumble bunny being quiet but still surviving.. lol :-D
I’ll try to stay awake til then..
bumble-bunny you gotta react as well.. dun be shy..
Dear 80+ guests,
Don’t be shy and join us. We are fun people.
Wait.. is this correct? 100 guests viewing this thread?
I think you just react..
It’s my first time playing too..
My iPad is dying.. let me get my charger first..
Tell em that your pc died or something.. Lol
Kidding.. enjoy your game there!
But I'm hosting a game rn
End your game and come play.
Yeah! I wan haruto! Thanks!
hold on, we can play by ourselves and I can tag some people here, don't sleep
okay, maybe tag some of them and see who’s around?
We can play hunger games.. then I can say I at least contributed to few pages out of the first 100 pages that we are hitting..
I sucks at guessing MV game cos my memory is not good.. :-D