Dynamite was still the most palatable song for American (biased) audiences including the Grammy committee, as much as I don’t like the song if they didn’t win with that I don’t think there’s much else they can do
Posts by melma
90% of the awards have always been handed during the preshow tho, maybe it’s a bit surprising that they’ve included rap and pop noms given how popular they are but entire genre categories like rock/metal and electronic music have never been televised. It’s sad for bts since that’s their only nom but beside that I don’t get what the big deal is
Throwing around random musical terms without knowing what they actually mean doesn’t make you seem like an expert
Most of these people are very young and teenagers on TikTok are already a terrible combination by itself, but it’s worrisome seeing grown adults partaking in it as well
I hope none of them got hate for this tho, as corny as it is its generally pretty harmless and it doesn’t give a pass for the horrible things people usually say on the internet when they find someone to gang on
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I think this is his strength vocally
That doesn’t necessarily mean he has perfect pitch but he definitely has great musicality and a good ear, he only went slightly flat on one note in that whole clip
Unless HIM magically rise from the ashes it’s probably them
The most infuriating thing is when people use the mafia for their little coffee shop shipping fics as if it’s not a literal real-life domestic terrorist organization
His comments were absolutely charged, had they not been Asian and specifically Korean he would’ve made some corny overused ‘they make music for horny teenagers’ boyband joke and that would’ve been it, with no added mention of NK and no COVID jokes whatsoever so everyone who’s downplaying it is being kinda willfully ignorant
The irony of his Twitter bio being ‘fuck fascism’ and then wanting Korean people to be sent to a totalitarian state ☠️
It’s good to see at least /some/ level of backlash from public institutions, this shit happens all the time in Europe and nobody ever condemns it bc they think it isn’t racist if you don’t actively use slurs
There's no way another site got that back-hug pic and Dispatch didn't.
The Itaewon thing was circulating on gossip sites, even here, for quite a while before it officially came out. Which means talks were happening. They must have judged that it wouldn't affect JK too badly with the blame being spread across the whole group. Apparently there were some interesting pics of that night which never surfaced, so there was some house cleaning going on.
BTS are SK's poster boys right now. Its important that they appear squeaky clean. They are seven grown men pushing thirty, of course they date, they probably do all sorts of things that super rich men do. Lbr, there were way more spicy rumours about BTS in their early years than now, and they didn't go through some human sanitizing process. What changed is the level of protection.
The only reason the public got to see that picture was because a friend of an employee at the noraebang illegally took a screenshot of the cctv footage, posted it on dc inside and got sued for it. same thing for the owners of the restaurant caught in itaewon gate, they sued people for spreading unfounded shit about how they were running their business during that time so conspiracy theories don’t really have a place here
The mandatory bts posts every time there’s dating news are annoying, they’re not that different from any other heavily guarded high profile celebrities
I hoped that at least for something like unplugged they’d tone it down with the vocal tuning but alas... I’m happy they’re doing the side tracks as well
Why are people bringing up lil pump as if he’s not the laughing stock of the rap community? For every objectively bad western rapper there’re dozens more who are good, the same cannot be said for kpop rappers.
And honestly this can apply to Korean rappers as a whole, if you look up any non American rap scene you’ll see that obviously there are some who are very good, but - lot of the rappers are basically caricatures with a very surface level understanding of what rap is about, and whether its their doing or the labels telling them what to do they just blindly copy whatever is popular in America at the time without bringing anything new to the table
Why are y’all always setting this poor girl up
Nah this is basically how most -kook shippers sound
If it’s purely about musical/artistic talent then yeah there’re a lot of them lol but whether it’s a good thing or not kpop branches out to different areas, so for a person to be a full filler they’d have to have no redeeming qualities at all which is pretty hard to find