His hiatus was long enough for him to reflect, it's not like he committed murder or anything.
BADGE REQUEST - [Closed see Akorn store]
Free badge event is now over
To purchase a badge please visit the Akorn shop, and use the purchase option
Press the dollar sign Akorn and then click the basket for the shop!
Press purchase on the 'badge of your choice' for 250 akorns for your first 4. or you can purchase for 500 or each after that.
Check the trophylist to see which are avilable,
To purchase a badge please visit the Akorn shop, and use the purchase option
Press the dollar sign Akorn and then click the basket for the shop!
Press purchase on the 'badge of your choice' for 250 akorns for your first 4. or you can purchase for 500 or each after that.
Check the trophylist to see which are avilable,