Posts by kpopisgarbage
only leading by small margin yet on IG theres a big gap lmao #Failed
That didn’t work for other thai members. Try again
I’m just wondering what people think another company would need to do to have an idol as Lisa.
audition in thai? #Shrug
What does this have to do with my thread?
an observation since u brought them up in the OP
yo they acting like having songs, video, live performance with GD pre-debut isnt a big deal lol
Why are blinks belittling GD? yikes
her name wasn’t even revealed with the collab so it gave her like zero exposure lmao
if u were an idol, u rather do some lame cfs than collab with GD in his prime? oh..
a collab with GD is not a big deal? oh..
shes has an addiction and needs to go to rehab
YG killed her momentum lol
sell wise, rose will easily beat it
ugliest chuck taylors i ever seen lmao
the title says 'non blink' yet blinks are getting mad for them voicing their opinion...#Logic lulz
OP, u know them personally? oh..
How do u know all stuff they do on camera is not a front? why so naive?
they have no chemistry in interviews..everything seems forced
They seem more like co-workers vibes.. if u have to choose the closet its probably rose & sea girl