gaon it's the same chart but it depends on charts that had huge changes lmao
and most of the charts popular back then lost their userst and there are new ones now
there are so many charts and still songs reaches the 100M gaon streaming certification when they have about 70M streams on melon. so about 70% come from melon. seems like the biggest platform to me...
Yes Gaon is the same chart as always. Even if one chart changes, it still always shows the cumulative digital of all charts. Regardless of changes in one chart, it’s a lot more reliable to compare songs using the performance on the charting in Gaon than figures related to just one chart such as melon.
Literally the breakdown of the market is 34 percent Melon, and (to my memory) 23 percent Genie, 15 percent vibe, 16 percent Flo, 1 percent bugs, the rest is other.
The info is publicly available.
Melon is the biggest but not a behemoth.