Posts by blahblahblah0
Oh nvm i'm too late
Can we pm the recording?
Thanks for the game (and the 300 akorns
) johnny
Yes brown
sechskies idk
Not at me furiously refreshing the page gfdsghfdshdh
When I was in high school, the day ended so I was walking outside and the older gothic guy (and at the time kinda scary to me) was walking behind me. I grabbed my earphones out of my bag but apparently a tampon was stuck in them and it flew behind me and landed right in front of him. We made eye contact when I turned around and then I just turned back around and left. Lmao I didn't even pick it up because I was embarrassed.
The gothic guy: "And that's how i met your mother"
F my metabolism smh. -
I am a Procrastination Queen and weirdly my nonproductivity peaks during my end term examinations. The only thing that changes me is a good self help book which keeps me going for almost 7 days. As of now I have completely lost my track in life and exams are near. I tried re- reading some self help books I have (Ikigai, The Secret and The Alchemist) but I get bored easily because I already know what's written ahead, though while re-reading fictions I don't get bored.
So please recommend me some good books
How about videos?
But good luck for your exams, i used to be a huge procrastinator too, though at the end of high school i didn't just procrastinate but ended up doing nothing at all and didn't study for my exams, i barely got through high school