Posts by SandyBee3

    I think this is to black and white.

    There are many reasons they didn’t apologize.

    1. they were not aware of how much they hurt a certain person, so they didn’t apologize.

    2. Many trainees barely go to school after starting the training, so they probably just didn’t had the chance to meet the person again to apologize.

    3. Since they were absent from school they probably forgot the victim since they had other things to focus on.

    4. They didn’t apologize because they might be more to the story then reported. You know there are often two sides of a story.

    Also people can change, there is not such thing as bad person and good person, there are people who do more mistakes then others. Everyone is capable of changing we all did things we regret now being older.

    But yeah you can’t tell if a person you don’t know personally really changed or not so you can’t 100% call it a fact that they have changed or not, it’s up to you to decide what you want to believe.

    We can't say for sure that they, "leaders or the whole group", are also facing consequences or not. The victims will call out the idols bc they appear on tv and pretend to be innocent angels since birth which gives them a depressing feeling as they suffered bc of this same "angel", maybe the others are also being called out. The question is why call out a non celebrity person together with the celebrity?

    It's easier to contact the non famous and talk about it or even make he/she loses his/her job then with a celebrity. Or the group could have apologized already and just the celebrity is being shameless.

    I don't know, but the fact you try to paint like a case of call out everyone publicly or don't call anyone when just one is a public person doesn't sit right with me... He has a victim who tough about killing herself bc if his actions, why should I be looking in the whole group when she is saying that it was his actions who made her become mentally unstable?

    I don't know, maybe we should stop looking for excuses of such behaviors as unfortunately it's still common and his victims are all girls. Should I be feeling sorry for him? I don't think so.

    You got me wrong here, I have a problem with just celebrities being used as scapegoats while the non-celebrities will get away, even if they get punished they still can start their life all over again a celebrity is way more damaged. I wasn’t searching for excuses as I clearly stated everyone has to face the consequences of their actions.

    Even if you do it out of pressure, you are still siding with someone who bullies innocent people so directly-indirectly you'll also be a bully in victims' eyes.

    I know that. I’m just saying why not reveal everyone who participated why only target the celebrity ? If it was just that celebrity who bullied one specific person it’s something else, but if it was a Group of people and the celebrity wasn’t even the leader, why not reveal everyone who participated in it, you know their names and the school they went to, expose them all and not just the celebrity. Everyone has to face the consequences.

    It is scary to know that in the event all these was actually fake, how easy it is to actually cancel someone for life.

    Like how people who were wrongly sent to prison for rape and released years later after proving innocent, probably won't be able to have a proper high paying job that they could have gotten if they weren't wrongly sentenced

    It’s easy to bring one down, especially if you are celebrity.

    What I don’t like in situations like this is that the whole focus is just on the celebrity even though it’s stated they weren’t alone doing the things they got accused of or their participation wasn’t that big ( not excusing that they did participate). So only the celebrity deserves the punishment?

    I have mixed feelings with all of this. But the fact remains the celebrity already lost by just being accused no matter if it’s true or not.

    First of all not trying to defend anyone here I’m pretty neutral to the whole situation.

    But I keep on reading that the accused Idols were not the leaders in the school bullying. So I ask myself if there was maybe some Group pressure going on. Like “ do it or you will be the next victim “

    I have seen it so many times, people who kept on hanging out with toxic people and sometimes even joined their bad behavior or simply did nothing out of fear to be outcasted or the next victim and disgraced. It’s better to be on a bullies ( or the cool kids) side than to be their victim someone once said, especially if they know things about you no one else does, we all know how toxic school can be . Again not an excuse.

    Like I said I’m not defending anyone here, everyone has to deal with the consequences of their actions if they really hurt someone. But I ask myself why the victims don’t reveal everyone who took part in the bullying especially the leaders, why only target the celebrity ?

    No matter the outcome… his image and reputation is tainted now. Being accused of this alone will leave a bad taste.

    If it turns out to be true his career is over.

    If they claim it’s false, many will still believe he did and the company is trying to cover it up and probably even threatened the victim to take back her statement ( which could really be the case).

    No matter how you look at it he already lost.

    Damn… 2021 is already wilding :eyes:

    If this is true he should deal with the consequences, if it’s not i hope the person who was spreading the lie gets sued hard !

    Nevertheless fans do indeed make things worse. I would rather try support my faves and wait for any confirmation of the matter instead of attacking the alleged victim, cause that person could be in fact telling the truth :|

    I think many of these allegations are fake or not really honest anyway.

    I had a Girl in my old class who claimed to have been bullied by two other classmates. To cut the story short, it turned out she did something pretty bad to these two classmates before and for that they started to treat her indifferent. Not a justifying it but I could understand why they didn’t like her, nobody in the class really did cause she was two faced.

    If he’s not sterile he has consented to having the baby already.

    So what about the other way round ? A 100% way for a woman to never get pregnant is when removes her uterus too, so if she doesn’t, is she already consenting to have a baby?

    With that logic we don’t need that pro-life/pro-choice debate anymore. The answer is right there, if you don’t want babies as a men get a vasectomy and as a woman get your uterus removed … problem solved...... lol

    no trap nothing 100% sex...consensually

    what would be your rationale for the child support though?

    Hmm... idk tbh. I think the guy is the looser in this situation. He can’t force her to abort, so last he can do is hoping she agrees to not mention him as the father or taking away the father rights. If she doesn’t he actually has no choice then to somehow take responsibility for the child.

    It’s a unfortunate situation.

    why do y'all like to call everyone who see it as weird, even though there is a reason for that, a teen just to make their opinion seem invalid.. yes, she is an adult and It's her life at the end of the day but the man knew her since she was a minor, was her mentor so yes, we do find it weird cuz of that.

    People are calling it out cause it’s not weird y’all reaching. Y’all are implying she can’t make decisions for herself.

    For a relationship there are two people, what if she was the one who went for it ? So she should not be with the men she loves because they already know each other for so long ? Are you saying he was into Jennie when she was a teen ? He was in a long term relationship when he met Jennie and even after she got off age he was in another long term relationship with another woman and didn’t dated Jennie, so it’s pretty obvious the romantic interest only came recently.

    Y’all saying this just because he is older, but how is it any different from people who knew each other as teens and only started dating as adults? Is it weird too ? So the 7 years of age gap makes him a predictor now or what ?