I have seen a very shady post on Bang PD getting deleted from The Qoo in real time in like 10 minutes of being posted while not one article bashing BTS has been deleted from Qoo, I even have screenshots of it.....there is a reason Karmys do not like him and distrust him but some iArmys are such sheep and trust him blindly
See this, the Signal Entertainment article......I saw this posted and was waiting for comments to become accessible on Qoo

And when I refreshed the page on that thread a few minutes later I got this

And then I went to main page and it disappeared from The Qoo like it never existed

The shamelessness that LSFM was being bashed in 3 separate articles at the exact same time but the Hybe staff only took down the Bang PD one.
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This reminds me of that time when Hybe managed to put out a press statement denying certain speculations about the company (unrelated to their artists) at 3am in the morning but took at least 2 weeks to clear the November 2018 issue AFTER BTS were being dragged to filth all over social media, targeted by Japanese neo-Nazis AND covered in many major international news outlets.
But anyone who’d brought that up would be dubbed a “manti”. 
I-ARMYs need to see what’s happening on Korean forums and the “mysterious” disappearances of Hybe/BPD-related articles while smear campaigns against BTS, LSFM, and Illit are allowed to stay up. HYBE execs do not give a fuck about them, are too busy saving their own skins, and trying to transform their company into a tech startup for tech bros. Screw them really.
Either way, BTS have never relied on South Korea for their success. They’ve always been an added bonus. It’s always been their own countrymen and k-media playing catch-up on their global impact anyway. But it’s no less annoying and frustrating to witness.