Posts by buffyfan
She looks as great as ever. I've missed her a lot. Fancams are forever iconic
Do they still do "fatalities" for mortal Kombat? That would be my move of choice lol
Twice isn't smashing the digital charts like the good ol' days.
(Strategy isn't doing too bad and I personally have been boppin to the song since release. LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT tbh)
But I came across the following Tweet and it just reminded me of how special Twice really are. Please see the following:
Now, I'm not gonna hold you, the Korea stat is what really shocked me and makes my heart warm. Twice on their 14th mini album still has loyal fans and ppl buying up their music and loving their era's. And I feel like they all increased their solo brand power as well this year. A lot of big things happened for Twice as a group and as solo members this year. And they keep hinting that 2025 may be even bigger. I'm so happy to be a once. Knowing they will be out releasing music next year helps let me know that 2025 is going to be good for that at least on top of whatever else happens.
Out of the 3 places in the Tweet, which country shocked you the most with Twice being Number 1 in? I know for me, I'm still low-key wondering if they mean a different year for the Korea stat lol. But I choose to believe ultimately.
The song was ok for me but then Megan came and breathed a lot of life into the song and I saw the light. And then when she came back for the 2nd verse also after I thought she was done 👍🏻 👍🏻
And the end also sold me on the song. It's good tho. It needs the rap part for me tho. And Mina looks so flirty in this I love it
Damn 95% of Illit threads on this site are made by obsessed NJs fans
They h honestly killed this year. Armageddon, Supernova and whiplash was just an amazing trilogy
They better be thankful she didn't
So I've never seen this article, thank you.
When I quickly perused it, its basically saying that they understood why she had concerns, but her concerns doesn't mean it was actually true. I saw this quote-
"*Note that these are not opinions on the legitimacy of the allegations as much they are saying that bringing them up as issues was valid and thus wasn’t a reason for dismissal. Hence “concerns” and not validation of any of her allegations."
So yeah, there's a reason why MHJ has not took legal action or delayed legal action. There's a reason she's been dodging Belifts court cases.
Did she not put in an internal complant? Yes or no? That's the best she can do.
You can google it.
"Subsidiaries under the same parent company can technically sue each other, but such lawsuits are rare and complex due to the intertwined nature of their relationship."
The info you linked said it's possible, but rare, to take legal action??
How far she take the internal complaint? Was the complaint only brought back up as a main point once Hybe tried to kick MHJ out the company? Bc of the complaint wasn't being actively pursued before MHJ was about to be kicked out, then there's probably a reason for that and there wasn't a case to win there.
But I do think MHJ could've did more. And I'll definitely be waiting to see the outcome of the case. I can't wait. The person who dodges court cases and slow to file is the person who probably doesn't have a strong leg to stand on.
Hard evidence but MHJ never took hard legal action to pursue?
I'm just kidding with the title! But even though AKP isn't super big, I was surprised to not see anyone post about it. I actually thought they were going to just perform a few songs, I didn't realize it was going to be a small concert.
I also really loved the Talk To Talk version they end with as well, overall a great performance from them. Dahyun speaking english is my favorite, she is hilarious. Idk about the totals streams and I wasn't looking the whole time, but the highest I remember seeing was ~80k on Twitch.
Jihyo putting Dahyun on the spot to do an "acting" solo snippet was diabolical!!! Lmao
When Dahyun got to "Emotions" I was done
I care!! I watched it when it was streaming on Amazon prime. I thought I missed it and caught it at Go Hard.
They did really good. I missed seeing them perform as 9 together. Also I missed seeing a lot of the old choreography in the OG way.
I loved them making the effort to speak in English the whole time. Jungyeon was KILLING me while doing this lmao.
And that Talk to Talk version is just the perfect way to end their sets. I'm glad they came out with that song.
ETA: I think a lot of ppl cared also!! I don't how true it is, but I saw a tweet that said streams for the concert might've peaked higher than streams for the Mama awards
I like them! I haven't watched any content from them, but Magnetic and Lucky Girl were some of my favorite songs this year (still currently)
I also ended up really liking Cherish (the 2nd verse is sooo good) and Tik tak is really cute also.
I think the members all perform pretty well for the most part.
Minju is their silent weapon. She has a cool unique tone and she's gorgeous.
Yunah i think is going to a 5th generation visual in a couple years.
Moka is adorable/powerful as hell when performing.
Wonhee has the wide eyed thing down pact which works for her youth. I'm curious to see how she grows as a performer.
And I think Iroha is a backbone member for the group. I love that no matter is she's singing or rapping, I can ALWAYS hear her voice. Even if it's off a bit since she's killing the dance moves, I just love that I can always hear her voice at least and that shes trying.
This whole narrative of ppl contemplating when is going to be Twice's next hit song shows how they live in your minds. And I like that since it also shows there's still interest in how they moving.
If we're talking about if they could ever get another bit hit in Korea, I think the answer is pretty obviously a Yes. They just have to release some of their good ol color-pop and they would be golden. No one does that like them.
For some reason they been avoiding their bread and butter which is bright pop music, but it is what it is. Just seeing how Look At Me trended earlier this year shows Korea still loves Twice like no other. I also recently saw Jihyo's bridge from What is Love also trending. Korea loves Twice with their bright concept.
Twice are literally active kpop legends who happened to not be the current trend. Which is normal. They're like the Mariah Carey of Kpop with their legendary string of number 1 hits..
Going hard about if/when Twice will ever have a big hit again in Korea is missing the whole plot of the story. They literally been there did all that in Korea. They have bigger goals currently and seem to be obtaining them without giving the big hits that they used to give.
But I do hope they go back to that bright color-pop sound one time. At least before they retire lol.
Misamo flopped with their sold out dome concert (that they recently added 2 extra dates to) and New Look being the trend in Japan? Nayeon flopped but has the best selling female kpop album for the year in the US?
Just bc they weren't huge smashes, doesn't mean they were flops. It did what needed to be done. It got them out there as solo-ists and the opportunity to do things on their own and grow. I've noticed a change in each member for the better after their solo activities. And since doing them, they've only done more solo endeavors and now I feel like ppl actually see them as solo-ists also, where a couple of years ago ppl were only saying Nayeon could be solo.
Twice has geared away towards their bread and butter which is bright pop music the past few comebacks. It's not a huge surprise it's not getting as many streams. But even with that, I'm shocked that they're still the 4th most streamed kpop GG on Spotify. In their flop era they still do that. Legend Twice
It's good to see Twice fully back. I liked seeing Misamo and it made since for promoting them, but I'm happy to see the full group able to go back.
They probably won't, but I hope they include "New Look" somehow into the performance. I've been loving that song since it came out.
That second tweet really puts how much Twice revitalized kpop interest in Japan. Now multiple groups are going to NHK and holding concerts there. I remember when Twice were invited for the first time and it was seen as this extremely rare thing to happen for a kpop group and that no one thought would happen. And they just been casually going ever since for the most part.
Interesting!! Wasn't quite what I was expecting but Idek what I was expecting
ETA: the new pic is so cute also. Kinda reminds me of TT teaser with all their eyes closed. I was going to add the image, but it's coming out way too huge lol