15th episode of 'Twenty-Five Twenty-One" kind of broke my heart

  • the simpliest way to describe it is

    that when you finish school, you grow up but at one moment reality hits you hard and you realize that it's much harder to maintain all those good things

    also I never expected them to show all those scenes in such mature way

    I guess we will probably all be crying tomorrow at ep 16...

    but overall after watching ep 15 it already feels like whole happiness in the world just disappeared and there is that void, an empty space... which you can't really fill with any other emotion

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  • i felt much much better after leaving school

    and i had a great school life too

    school life is great because you're just following orders and living in your little safety net

    adult life is free for you to make what you will of it

    so there's greatness to be found as well as great pain to be suffered

    u r m o m g a y


  • so there's greatness to be found as well as great pain to be suffered

    that's nice phrase

    seems we have our akp Socrates here

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