Would you prefer a V-pop group which is a sub-unit of another group or would you prefer a V-pop group completely independent and not a sub-unit of another group ? 1
I would prefer a V-pop group completely independent and not a sub-unit of another group. (1) 100%
I would prefer a V-pop group which is a sub-unit of another group. (0) 0%
I don't know. (0) 0%
Would you prefer a V-pop group which is a sub-unit of another J-pop group or K-pop group or C-pop group or T-pop group or else like the C-pop boy group Super Junior-M (sub-unit of the K-pop boy group Super Junior M) and the C-pop boy group WayV (sub-unit of the K-pop boy group NCT) or would you like a V-pop group completely independent and not a sub-unit of another group like the Japanese J-pop girl group NiziU ?