Kim Jaejoong under controversy for sharing a picture of his voting ballot on SNS

  • AVvXsEigw3SwVtTwuqX8JVO1dMm1J4I86xsMbg8T__CMeJnB47eP0lTtTKNprPAuf548qtgBas8LFlNt47Bb8z-V3BiqX_BBO66g4xKafBiQI9oOmIDFUpsl1yGG5DNNEZApSlg9_bNpbfMadW9QE6DFU-Y0onL6XEOL14R17WQMBcD9yQSIgpsiij-afJA4=w640-h481
    Article: Kim Jaejoong under controversy for violating election laws by uploading picture of ballot paper on SNS

    Source: Insight via Instagram

    1. [+553] It's because people care more about proving that they voted rather than the act of voting itself... What are these proof shots even important for? Voting is something that you have a duty to do, not something to show off!!😢😢😢

    2. [+302] How many times do we have to tell people that you're not allowed to share pictures of your ballot.. jeez...

    3. [+199] Well that was ignorant of him

    4. [+203] Please read the news, or at least listen to it in the car if you don't have time ㅠㅠ

    5. [+113] He was so desperate to show off that he probably downloaded some app that suppressed his camera sounds to take this picture? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Then obviously he must've known that he was in violation of some law....

    6. [+79] Sigh

    7. [+82] How couldn't he have known? It's not like this was his first time voting

    8. [+9] Oppa... please... just stay quiet....

    9. [+11] For real, Jaejoong's better off just staying out of SNS ㅠㅠ ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    10. [+9] Sigh, so immature

    11. [+13] Maybe he really didn't know ㅠㅠ and he covered the important parts up, people are being so harsh 😭

    12. [+21] At this rate, it feels like the public figures are holding some kind of public ballot challenge amongst themselves

    13. [+14] Why is he being like this?

    14. [+2] Is this his first time voting at his big age?

    15. [+2] ㅋㅋ Just imagining him sticking his camera at the ballot, trying to get a pretty angle

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  • omg 2nd kceleb with the same controversy this week

    Like people there are better ways to encourage everyone to vote

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  • 5. [+113] He was so desperate to show off that he probably downloaded some app that suppressed his camera sounds to take this picture? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Then obviously he must've known that he was in violation of some law....

    I hope someone told this netizen that you don't need an app to turn your phone's system sound down.

  • I hope someone told this netizen that you don't need an app to turn your phone's system sound down.

    people use phone shutter noise?

    although I think there was some people who wanted to make it impossible in Korea or Japan to take pics without noise bc so many people took under skirt or uncontested pics of women in public

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  • I hope someone told this netizen that you don't need an app to turn your phone's system sound down.

    iirc some phones in Japan and Korea are by default programmed to have a sound when you take a picture. Reason: perverts taking pictures of women on skirts or just living their lives.

    They have apps to "scape" this safety measure.

  • people use phone shutter noise?

    although I think there was some people who wanted to make it impossible in Korea or Japan to take pics without noise bc so many people took under skirt or uncontested pics of women in public

    iirc some phones in Japan and Korea are by default programmed to have a sound when you take a picture. Reason: perverts taking pictures of women on skirts or just living their lives.

    They have apps to "scape" this safety measure.

    oh shit my bad. I forgot about the pervs.

  • iirc some phones in Japan and Korea are by default programmed to have a sound when you take a picture. Reason: perverts taking pictures of women on skirts or just living their lives.

    They have apps to "scape" this safety measure.


    Imagine living in a country where you have to go this far to stop people from being causally perverts

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  • Celebrities avoid being vocal about voting on there social media and still do something like this.

    I'll never get this.

    I mean Key posted picture of himself going to vote and he explained he is going to a center set up specifically for covid positive people . I mean everyone can do sth like that?

    also I find it so funny that they actually have a place for covid positive people instead of just accepting male ballot or sth

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  • fuck

    Imagine living in a country where you have to go this far to stop people from being causally perverts

    The worst part of it is thinking how socially acceptable is this behavior. If something reach this kind of gravity, it's 'cause there's an implied acceptance about it.

  • The worst part of it is thinking how socially acceptable is this behavior. If something reach this kind of gravity, it's 'cause there's an implied acceptance about it.

    I remember they interviewed random people on street about those idol molka group chat situation and people said they feel bad for them bc everyone does it, its just that they got caught.


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  • They have apps to "scape" this safety measure.

    oh. I had an import phone and I just sautered a dipswitch in between the speaker and the driver... I guess there were easier ways haha

    (I am in no way promoting upskirt photos! its just so annoying hearing that cheesy shutter sound... at least the galaxy S4 Zoom model had a real shutter. )

  • I wonder if this is also illegal in my country...I seriously don't know.

    It's legal depending on the state. eJYIrij.png


    California: Yes. The California legislature voted to change the law after the 2016 primary, and it officially went into effect on Jan. 1, 2017. "A voter may now take a photograph of their ballot (a 'ballot selfie') and share it on social media," the memo said. "While 'ballot selfies' are now allowed under California law, elections officials and poll workers will still need to exercise their discretion as to whether 'ballot selfies' cause disruptions requiring a response," California Secretary of State Alex Padilla said in a memo to remind officials of the new policy ahead of the primary election in May 2018.


    "And they escorted her to a prison cell..."


  • I wonder if this is also illegal in my country...I seriously don't know.

    It is in my country. Someone can get 2 years in jail (max) if they do it, but the thing is I've never seen anyone going to jail 'cause of it. At max only paying a fine or being removed from the cabin.

  • This isn't a big deal he only shared a small portion of the ballot basically confirming he did go vote. This technically isn't illegal. People just want to fuss about nothing. As for celebs not talking about voting but doing this? It's a way to use their influence for good, we live in a society today where many young people have no faith in the democratic process of their nation and as such they decide to not vote or become even mildly involved in politics and end up in shit situations. Using America as an example it's the reason you had Trump in the first place because so many people there didn't exercise their rights. So celebs here trying to encourage people to vote without showing who they voted for, is perfectly fine as they are doing our society a good deed by encouraging people to have some faith and go vote

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