【2週間限定 無料見逃し配信】~夢のオーディションバラエティー~ Dreamer Z #11 2022/1/16(日) | CL
【LDH公式】【2週間限定 無料見逃し配信】~夢のオーディションバラエティー~ Dreamer Z #11 2022/1/16(日)の動画視聴ならCL。EXILE SHOKICHIが出演。CL(シーエル)はLDH所属グループ・アーティストのライブキャスト動画やMVを視聴できるサービスです。LDH…
The show divided into 2 parts, LDH auditions and Tiktok singer audition. LDH, a Japanese agency, is running 3 audition projects simultaneously, 1 for boy group, 1 for male soloist, 1 for girl group. Only the girl group project is in collaboration with HYBE Japan.
The Tiktok audition is irrelevant to LDH but to the broadcaster, TV Tokyo. The winner of this will sing the theme song for a drama from TV Tokyo.
The streaming is available for free for 2 weeks. Paid subscription is required to watch the video later.