He reminds me of those kids in the school who thought it is okay to make fun of others because it is just a joke for them. He make a lot of weird and problematic comments before but many of his fans said that he just joking and what he said is funny. The amount of time he disrespect his own groups and kpop as the whole when he by his own go to Korea for that. But again, many fans said he just a guy with a good humor and people that pressed by that are the one who couldn't understand whatever he is trying to say.
And just today he calling his own friend with an appropriate name yet fans thoughts it's okay because they're friend. If only Jamie didn't voicing out her feeling, many will just let him pass with this behavior. Many will think this is okay, he is just a funny guy. And think again, are Day6 is really fine with what he is saying all this time?