Anyone noticed this girl group debut on New Year's Day? (underrated debut IMO)

  • 'Cause while I didn't notice LaLaGirls' debut until today (which was when I spotted a clip from their debut MV where they chose to remake Tutti's 1996 song "Surrogate Satisfaction" in an Octo Pops countdown vid and decided to check it out because of that), what I wanna say is that they're another underrated group with lots of potential (and I say underrated bc their debut MV's only got over a thousand views so far :shyr: ) given that their debut's literally one with a 90s-retro concept (even more so given the song they chose to remake for that)...

    (anyways stream surrogate satisfaction below so you can appreciate lalagirls - on a side note I've submitted a video article on the articles' side for mod review about this debut so yeah :claps:)

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  • ducky-mioda

    Changed the title of the thread from “Anyone noticed LaLaGirls debut on New Year's Day? (underrated debut IMO)” to “Anyone noticed this girl group debut on New Year's Day? (underrated debut IMO)”.
  • And here's a Music Core performance of Tutti's original version of the song:

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    If you haven't seen a 1990s era music show before, give it a view, since it's very representative of what performances were like during that time period.

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