Hi,Welcome me here😓!!
study hard and get that college
study hard and get that college
hi! it’s nice to see a highschooler serious about studying and is close with at least one parent!
I hope your family situation gets better. What major are you going to pursue in college? With 13hrs a day going into studying, I’m sure you’ll get into your dream school but even if you don’t, it won’t be the end of the world :)
Good luck!
If you do not study when young you'll end up regretting your failures when you grow up
well, its not just chinese and my teachers say it once in every class
where do you want to go to college?
iit bombay or iit delhi (best ones here)
well, its not just chinese and my teachers say it once in every class
your teachers must be chinese then
(I assume you are indian going by your college choices)
nevertheless you seem to have heeded the warning...and are studying hard so
I'm hoping to get compyter sciences
great choice!
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