my opinion is that it can be racist. the gesture is racist and getting your eyes sergecly altered to a shape that asians get made fun of for is insensitive at best. however the eye shape created by the makeup is not exclusively had by asians, hell not all asians even have them. if the makeup look is explicitly made to be """"oriental""" than it's yellow face, but if its not there's no inherent problem

whats up with the "fox eye" trend ?
it's racist but because being woke doesn't apply to Asian causes they won't say anything about it
I would have to disagree with you. I don’t think it’s inherently racist. They’re just doing a makeup style just like how a lot of women do makeup to make theirs appear rounder or bigger. There’s nothing racial about this.
I’m aware there’s a lot of anti-Asian hate going around, but this isn’t an example of that.
I am asian and it kinda upsets me since asians all around the world are mocked and harassed over their eyes/facial features. People have mocked me as well and it just does not sit right with me that it is a trend now. I am not speaking of behalf of other asians but imo it is kind of racist and rude.
I agree
Not sure it’s inherently racist but I’m also East Asian and considering how often people in west have mocked me or friends for our eyes, and done the slanted eye gesture as a racist gesture that btw look exactly like what pp do in these pics, it’s absolutely ridiculous how this is now trendy
:aggressive slanted eye roll:
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