This is the list of every Twice video in history and ranking them by total views. It also shows the growth from the date prior (the numbers don't update real time but it's updated everyday)
EVERY Single TWICE video views
This page also works for any YouTuber so you can find other groups too!
This does not include audio-only videos.
- TWICE is the #52 of the most total views on YouTube of all music artists in the world. That's a high number if you really think about it. (Justin Bieber is #1)
The highest growing video by views is "The Feels Drop Teaser" which has gained 940,947 since August 26.
Perfect World (about 270K+ streams yesterdsy) and Alcohol Free (nearly 500K streams yesterday) are still growing strong!
This page is also helpful for finding videos if you ever wanted to go back to all their older videos.
I'm finding videos I had no idea existed until today