Myanmar's President, and State Counsellor arrested. Military cut tv broadcast and is cutting wifi!

  • A coup d'état in Myanmar began on the morning of 1 February 2021 when State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint, and other leaders of the ruling party were arrested and detained by the Tatmadaw, Myanmar's military. Hours later, Myanmar's army declared a year-long state of emergency and said power had been handed to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Min Aung Hlaing.

    more here…yanmar_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat

    Poor people from Myanmar are now reporting that tv broadcast was already cut, and that some regions already lost net connection. ;(…-late-night-raid-n1256308

  • I just saw the news about this and it's so sad.

    I hope it will be quickly resolved :(

    what's recently going on with those arrests on people that just want to be sure that their nation is free and growing

  • I hope it will be quickly resolved :(

    what's recently going on with those arrests on people that just want to be sure that their nation is free and growing

    I hope as well! Just thinking the fear and uncertainty the people are in right now is so sad :(

    It's like instead of respecting the human rights we're going backwards to the ages where no human rights mattered but I must say that in times like this I am really thankful for the social medias because information spread so fast.

    “we never felt so young”


  • It got swept under the rug I guess especially with the coup.

    To be honest, I don't know if anyone's to root for in this situation. If the reports are accurate, the Rohingya people suffered under her regime and the regime before her isn't too hot either. If anything's clear cut here, it's the common people that's getting the short end of the stick.

  • To be honest, I don't know if anyone's to root for in this situation. If the reports are accurate, the Rohingya people suffered under her regime and the regime before her isn't too hot either. If anything's clear cut here, it's the common people that's getting the short end of the stick.

    Well it's always the common people who suffers from the powerful people's ideologies and power hungry selves.

    “we never felt so young”


  • Can't really say this happened for worse. The primary issue of Myanmar now still is security. Suu Kyi understandably attempted to weaken the army but, that could encourage the uprising of countless ethnic based militia groups in the country. Myanmar has long been divided and could temporarily unified only under strong dictator/absolute monarch.

    Speaking of Myanmar, whatever happened to the Rohingya?

    Being in status quo. Suu Kyi made no attempt to ease the issue, neither she acknowledged the Rohingya as Myanmar citizen thus, her Nobel Peace Prize was revoked.

    Anyway, to treat the Rohingya nicely is a sure way to lose the election. No democratic Myanmar ruler will be kind to the Rohingya.

    power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely

    And, many times, more persons in power, more pieces of pies to be demanded.

    I hope as well! Just thinking the fear and uncertainty the people are in right now is so sad :(

    It's like instead of respecting the human rights we're going backwards to the ages where no human rights mattered but I must say that in times like this I am really thankful for the social medias because information spread so fast.

    Is it? A Thai writer working with human right activists wrote her network in Myanmar telling her minority groups in Myanmar supported this coup d'etat.

    Suu Kyi had excluded minority politicians from her development planning and they could hardly brought up a topic into parliament conference. She was a white worshipper and her advisor team consisted mainly of the white hired at high wages when Myanmar was still a dust poor country. The election cheating accusation was true, the dead came to vote, no ID card check at some voting units, many were listed eligible for different voting districts. Minority groups had formed allies with the army for the latest election.

    To be honest, I don't know if anyone's to root for in this situation. If the reports are accurate, the Rohingya people suffered under her regime and the regime before her isn't too hot either. If anything's clear cut here, it's the common people that's getting the short end of the stick.

    On the other hand, the Buddhist majority is being suffered from the Rohingya. The extermination the Rohingya will ease every others in the country.

    They are getting abused so much just for religion it’s sad

    A western classic way to oversimplify things. The grudge between the Rohingya and the Buddhist in the country is very deep-rooted and started by the British colonizer, bringing the Muslim Bengali into the country to help them suppressing the local.

    The Rohingya and the Buddhist in the area have long fought back and forth. The Rohingya robbed and killed the Buddhist and the Buddhist set fire on Rohingya village and so on, a never-ending revenge. In recent years, the Rohingya has been supported by Muslim terrorism squads to attack Myanmar officers.

  • So you're saying each and every Rohingya should be killed

    The majority of the Myanmar wants UK to take these peoples as they were brought in by the British. UK is willing to take 3mil Hongkongers, it can take 900k Rohingya too, right?

    The Rohingya is not innocent sheep victim and they are burden to Myanmar's economy and peace. If no strict measure is done on the Rohingya, the majority Buddhist will be victimized. There is no win-win situation. One side must lose. Who should it be, majority Buddhist or minority Rohingya?

    My country has had Muslim terrorism separatist and, following human right activists' guidance, a part of the country must have lost, the terrorist must have achieved its goal.

  • The majority of the Myanmar wants UK to take these peoples as they were brought in by the British. UK is willing to take 3mil Hongkongers, it can take 900k Rohingya too, right?

    The Rohingya is not innocent sheep victim and they are burden to Myanmar's economy and peace. If no strict measure is done on the Rohingya, the majority Buddhist will be victimized. There is no win-win situation. One side must lose. Who should it be, majority Buddhist or minority Rohingya?

    My country has had Muslim terrorism separatist and, following human right activists' guidance, a part of the country must have lost, the terrorist must have achieved its goal.

    But that doesn't answer my question. You mentioned extermination. So you are saying you are okay with killing off the Rohingya?

  • But that doesn't answer my question. You mentioned extermination. So you are saying you are okay with killing off the Rohingya?

    Pragmatically speaking, they are 2 ways for Myanmar to clear Rohingya issue

    1. Clear all Rohingyas from Myanmar

    2. Give up on Rakhine state and hand it over to the Rohingya.

    If any ruler choose 2, he/she and his/her family will be cursed for centuries to come and, uh, good luck to the Buddhist who will become minority in Rakhine.

    Whatever Myanmar govt will do or not do with the Rohingya, someone will suffer.

  • Pragmatically speaking, they are 2 ways for Myanmar to clear Rohingya issue

    1. Clear all Rohingyas from Myanmar

    2. Give up on Rakhine state and hand it over to the Rohingya.

    If any ruler choose 2, he/she and his/her family will be cursed for centuries to come and, uh, good luck to the Buddhist who will become minority in Rakhine.

    Whatever Myanmar govt will do or not do with the Rohingya, someone will suffer.

    Still didn't answer what you mean by extermination or did "clear all Rohingyas from Myanmar" a polite way of saying killing them all.

  • Rohingya is now sent to some "island"

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