Genie Genie
If a mythological djinn, like a genie for instance, discovered your oh so poor and pathetic human life and granted you 10 wishes. What would you wish for? I want to know!
1. The ability to learn anything quickly, be able to apply it to anything, and teach it to anyone. I feel like it would make my academic pursuits very easy. I could learn concepts, mathematical theories, languages and theory very easily. I could learn so many programming concepts I am confused with.
2. Health. Good health for myself and everyone I care for.
3. Good Jobs for me and my family. This means getting a stable job easily with good pay but also a good environment. I don't mind if I have to work but being in a comfortable environment where I can make a lot of money.
4. Good Luck, I don't want any bad freak accidents happening.
5. Beauty probably? I want to grow taller and have a good figure.
6. The ability to have good mental health/resolve any mental health problems for my family
7. The ability to be likeable. I kinda wanna be liked by every person I admire. Sometimes I can come off as too much now, but with my wish I want to change that.
8. To help the world, now that I can. Suddenly reverse climate change for good? Or maybe help people in my home country. Also help my family members who are struggling
9. A good partner
10. Wisdom/ not making bad decisions
1. The ability to learn anything quickly, be able to apply it to anything, and teach it to anyone. I feel like it would make my academic pursuits very easy. I could learn concepts, mathematical theories, languages and theory very easily. I could learn so many programming concepts I am confused with.
2. Health. Good health for myself and everyone I care for.
3. Good Jobs for me and my family. This means getting a stable job easily with good pay but also a good environment. I don't mind if I have to work but being in a comfortable environment where I can make a lot of money.
4. Good Luck, I don't want any bad freak accidents happening.
5. Beauty probably? I want to grow taller and have a good figure.
6. The ability to have good mental health/resolve any mental health problems for my family
7. The ability to be likeable. I kinda wanna be liked by every person I admire. Sometimes I can come off as too much now, but with my wish I want to change that.
8. To help the world, now that I can. Suddenly reverse climate change for good? Or maybe help people in my home country. Also help my family members who are struggling
9. A good partner
10. Wisdom/ not making bad decisions
Those are some actually very good wishes. And that's thoughtful and considerate of you. Good luck is a good one! Maybe you'll win the lottery. =] I didn't think about that one. Wisdom = The Best. A good job...hmmm. The concept of learning things quickly...that is useful. Good wishes!
I could replace one of them if I could get more wishes
lolol what would it be?
I wouldn’t wish for anything. I have all I want especially my daughter.
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