Produced by Lee Tae Kyung PD of tvN's popular variety series 'Amazing Saturday - Doremi Market', 'Idol Song Listening Contest' is a direct spin-off version featuring mostly K-Pop idol cast members. The crew will be sitting in the exact, same studio as the crew of 'Amazing Saturday', playing an exact. replica version of the well-known lyric listening game!
Heading up the cast of 'Idol Song Listening Contest' are a mix of veteran and rising K-Pop idol stars, including Super Junior's Eunhyuk, EXO's Kai, VIXX's Ravi, Seventeen's Seungkwan, Lovelyz's Lee Mi Joo, Golden Child's Jangjun, and maknae IZ*ONE's Yena! Comedian Lee Jin Ho and producer/TV personality Jaejae have also joined the interesting lineup to bring even more liveliness to the set!