Jihyo and Mina go to a quiet place so no one can hear them
Mina asks Jihyo why she thinks Momo is lying
Jihyo says that Momo looked like a mess as if she went on a whole adventure
Mina tells Jihyo "Maybe she was looking messy cause she just woke up"
Jihyo reassures Mina that Momo's hair was fine but her clothes looked dirty
Mina then agrees with Jihyo and asks her who else she thinks was with Nayeon other than Momo(who she suspects)
Jihyo says that she isn't sure and needs more clues but her only suspect so far is Momo
Mina comes up with a plan
"Let's search around the campsite where we were eating marshmallows"
so far neither Jihyo or Mina have found anything important
Jihyo suggests that they search in Nayeon's room
Nayeon's bed was already made and everything looked clean
and it looked like nothing happened
Jihyo finds this strange that everything is neat everywhere
Mina asks Jihyo if she thinks that Nayeon made her bed before
Jihyo doesn't have any words
Jihyo and Mina go back to the spot they were at before
Mina wonders where Nayeon could have possibly went
Jihyo then comes up with a though
Jihyo says that Momo was saying that Nayeon asked her if the witch was real
Jihyo adds "what if she went in the forest?"
Mina thinks Nayeon wouldn't go into a forest at night but remembers Tzuyu said that Nayeon wasn't alone that night
Jihyo tells Mina that they should go explore the forest
what will they find in the forest?
Is Nayeon in the forest?