Why Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla From the 70s Is The Best Damn Movie Ever

  • Why Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla From the 70s Is The Best Damn Movie Ever


    When I was a small Eman my dad thought it wise to give his young son an education in big giant Japanese Kaiju monsters.

    The best of them all. Godzilla.

    He's my hero.

    If you want to watch Godzilla. The real Godzilla.

    Don't bother with the newfangled stuff.

    Go old.

    My favorite Godzilla is 1974's Godzilla Vs Mechagodzilla.

    Oh my god what a perfect movie.

    It totally leans into how fucking bonkers it all is and just rolls with it.

    It's got everything.

    The Honorable Giant Protector Godzilla. Who looks like a badass with his mean but lovable Anime eyes and lightning breath. His trusty sidekick turtle dinosaur Anguiras. Some human helpers like a handsome young man and a beautiful archeologist as his lady friend, a wise old Nobel prize winning scientist, Interpol agents. Old Japanese holy men. Okinawa Royalty who worship an ancient japanese Lion God. The Lion God himself King Ceasar. And honest to god alien space monkeys!

    And......where else can you find a baddie as fucking cool as Mechagodzilla. A lookalike robot built by the aliens to destroy the world with Space Titanium Missiles and Robotic Gizmos. He can fly! And he has a sweet theme song.

    This is the kind of movie where a Japanese Religious woman runs out on the beach and serenades an ancient Japanese god with a full length song to wake him from his slumber.

    Anything can happen. And does.

    In other words. Perfection.

    The 10 year old Eman inside of me jumps for joy at this movie.

    I watched it last night and still recommend it.

    Best Godzilla Ever.

    Watch the trailer!

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  • Drew_B

    You ever watch the old Godzilla movies?

    The only Godzilla movie I've seen is the original Godzilla vs King Kong from the 70s. Got it for Christmas as a kid and wore it out.

    I've actually never even considered if Godzilla movies would be up my alley or not. Maybe I should give this one a shot and see.

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