oh my...
Double Ning, double the wow factor
oh my...
Double Ning, double the wow factor
If you've got some spare time, show some love to the following videos:
I'm immensely grateful to these people for sacrificing a part of their own precious experience to capture such a breathtaking moment. For this kind of beauty, there's no such thing as enough angles.
You know for sure that a considerable amount of concert goers left the venue thinking about this moment, and are currently rethinking their priorities.
I'd love to see Ningning cast in a Chinese xianxia drama. Her ridiculously beautiful, and equally cute face, paired with the colourful, vibrant, and elaborate outfits that are a staple of the genre would just be so fun and eye-catching. Her duality would fit so well too. She can be so goofy and unserious at times, which definitely fits the energy of many xianxia dramas. The only thing that could make it even better would be her singing an epic OST. I love hearing her sing in Mandarin. Her cover of Melody enriches my soul.
Ever since she debuted I always thought Ningning had that sort of classic chinese beauty from the movies.
Insane visuals for real!
So, I feel like I have a problem. Every time I watch Ningning perform, I become so entranced by her eyes that, by the end, I feel like I've missed 90% of said performance. Then, I have to rewatch it, often multiple times, while attempting to resist the unnatural magnetism of those damn eyes, just so I can appreciate everything else. Has anybody else experienced this problem?
If you want, you can test yourself with this video:
Maybe it's not even a problem. Perhaps it's just a natural phenomenon...
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