Do you like multiplayer with bots?
I particularly like the concept of Nintendo's Amiibos wherein they are trained by you, to fight against or for you in Smash.
I don't own a switch or an amiibo, but I recall playing against "learning bots" and it was quite interesting how they can find, exploit and genuinely highlight the weaknesses of your gameplay. I genuinely don't recall the game name. I'm sorry. Personally, I think one should be able to play against and train with learning bots, and keep saves of favorite ones to play with or against later.
Not as favored by me but I like the easy-medium-hard bots from League of Legends. It helps a user blow off steam or learn the fundamentals of League as a Playstyle.
I like multiplayer games : D
Multiplayer with bots in Guild Wars is definitely recommended.
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