I did post this on BlueSky, but I'll post it here to.
I have this fandom shirt I bought from a store in my city, and tbh I'm doing a huge de clutter and impulsively bought it. It's a Sam and Colby Shirt that I haven't even wore once, (it's their explr merch.) I personally am really sensitive when it comes to texturing, and fabric (I'm not sure why I even bought it.. I hate pink). I was really into their stuff for a while and then so much controversial or confusing things have came out and I just don't want to support them anymore.
I don't really have any social media (I use BlueSky to order art) and that's about it. I tried to sell on Etsy before but you need a bigger following to even get your stuff noticed.
I have thought about just giving it to a second hand store or asking some other stores who carry stuff like this as I never shipped anything out. (Theres a store in the mall here that purely sells tik tok trending stuff). Any of the art and profile commissions I did sell have been strictly online and through email in the past (twitter), so I don't have IG to post it on.
I'm just curious if you have ever been in this situation, and if you came to the conclusion to sell or just give it away.