The US Stock Market has gone into extreme slump following the Federal Government's decision to not lower interest rates, affecting the GLOBAL markets
They have to maintain a tough on inflation stance for the market to take them seriously (otherwise, mkt will see right thru them, capital will flow back into stocks, and inflation will be exacerbated). They know the economy is in a precarious situation and can't sustain these high rates for too long let alone continue to raise rates, so the question becomes how long before some sort of a crisis gives them the excuse to start cutting.
Click for TOP Message This Thread.
Been awhile since anyone , other than me , posted *anything* in AKP Current Events ... Normally , I would leave your Thread in the Top Spot ... However , my Thread on *MILLEY* will take precedence in this situation ... Think of it this way ...It is *possible* to argue as:
'No *MILLEY* , No Stock Market , NO WORLD ???' ...TRUMP *scared* MILLEY = *NOT* Easily Scared.
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