ANDREW TATE = Grooming Chats ; (AI) Planet T-Boner ? ; *RO Police Files* Revealed (Abuse Claims) ; 2023.09.01

  • ... ANDREW TATE: 'War Room' Chats = Women Groomed ... ... Andrew Tate: Report Alleges Global Network To Exploit Women ; 2023.08.31 ; Oct. 1st = New RO COURT Activity ? ... ANDREW TATE unveils 'Planet T' (Boner ?) , Hailing it as (AI) 'Beginning of Future' , (or Cult) ? ; 2023.08.29 ... ANDREW TATE (RO) Prosecution (Police) Files reveal graphic claims of (physical abuse) coercion ahead of trial ; 2023.08.23

    *** Begin Quote ***
    Romania is preparing to try this case in the glare of an international spotlight. Its Organised Crime Unit (DIICOT Special Police) confirmed in a statement earlier this year that it was continuing to investigate possible crimes of trafficking in minors and money-laundering connected to this case. As yet, ZERO suspects have been FORMALLY identified ... The TRIAL itself could take *YEARS* to reach a verdict.
    *** End Quote ***

    Observation -->
    It *sounds* as IF a RO CRIMINAL TRIAL will actually take place
    of the TATE Brothers and two women ... The Article here *reads*
    as if that is already decided by RO COURT System (Judges).
    I am *guessing* that by say *no later* than October 1st ...
    That some kind of RO COURT statement (activity) will happen.
    One *suspects* that MAYBE some kind of GUILTY PLEA OFFER
    has been already made to TATE Brothers by RO Prosecutors.
    But NOTHING SAID officially (either 'side') of that at all , so far. ...

    ANDREW TATE Released from House Arrest

    while he awaits human trafficking and rape trial ; 2023.08.04 ... ...

    Observation --> RO COURT *retains* CONTROL of TATE Brothers for next 60 days. So , they still have a *RO Legal Probationary Status* (if you will). And, *Final Decision* on IF a COURT TRIAL takes place , no later than October 1st (???).

    Edited 23 times, last by krell ().

  • RO authorities have (TATE) passport? ; Flight Risk?

    My *guess* , (DIICOT) RO Police *retain* TATE travel PASSPORTS.

    Maybe RO does NOT care IF that TATE does flee from RO nation ???

    In that case (TATE as Fugitive) -->

    (1) TATE is then clearly *guilty* as fugitive (fleeing RO nation).

    (2) RO Court gets to *keep* estimated $15 MILLION USD of TATE wealth.

    (3) Since TATE = NO RO TRIAL = ZERO RO COURT COSTS (time) for that.

    (4) IF *guilty* of CRIMES , RO PRISON does NOT have to (Feed) House TATE.

    As humor , possible 'down side' to TATE Fleeing from RO nation -->

    (5) RO Nation *loses* possible STREAMING MONEY REVENUE ($$$$)

    ... From Live RO Prison Fight Events = 'Raping TATE vs. VLAD the Impaler' ... :wink:

    Speaking of 'IMPALER' Adventures in USA , please see URL below -->

    Edited 3 times, last by krell ().

  • This shit is never going to end. Feels like at this point the court is just doing their best to annoy the Tate brothers cause they don't have anything on them.

    Actually getting tired of hearing about this story.

  • This shit is never going to end. Feels like at this point the court is just doing their best to annoy the Tate brothers cause they don't have anything on them.

    Actually getting tired of hearing about this story.

    USA 'Political Conservatives' (TUCKER CARLSON , ex-FOX TV) have now 'picked up' on ANDREW TATE as some kind of 'victim' of sorts ... The 'attraction' seems more as *PROSECUTION RUN WILD* , and so TRUMP = TATE ??? ... But anyway , yes , the situation of making the *decision* of IF to have COURT TRIAL of TATE Brothers , seems as FOREVER for RO NATION (JUDGE) to decide on it ... Which , fairly sure that is WHY the last RO JUDGE *removed* HOUSE ARREST for them ... It is as even some of the RO JUDGES are wanting a DECISION on it (TATE TRIAL or not) ... I *suspect* that TATE has been made a *SETTLEMENT OFFER* of some kind = Plead GUILTY to this , or TRIAL happens ... And so far , TATE continues to want a RO TRIAL to take place (complete *guess* from me on this).

  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ANDREW TATE = House Arrest *Ended* ; RO TRIAL still possible ; 2023.08.04” to “ANDREW TATE = *Police Files* Revealed ; RO TRIAL seems likely ; 2023.08.23”.
  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ANDREW TATE = *Police Files* Revealed ; RO TRIAL seems likely ; 2023.08.23” to “ANDREW TATE = *Police Files* Revealed (Abuse Claims) ; RO TRIAL seems likely ; 2023.08.23”.
  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ANDREW TATE = *Police Files* Revealed (Abuse Claims) ; RO TRIAL seems likely ; 2023.08.23” to “ANDREW TATE = Grooming Chats ; (AI) Planet T-Boner ? ; *RO Police Files* Revealed (Abuse Claims) ; 2023.08.31”.
  • krell

    Changed the title of the thread from “ANDREW TATE = Grooming Chats ; (AI) Planet T-Boner ? ; *RO Police Files* Revealed (Abuse Claims) ; 2023.08.31” to “ANDREW TATE = Grooming Chats ; (AI) Planet T-Boner ? ; *RO Police Files* Revealed (Abuse Claims) ; 2023.09.01”.

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