ARMY discuss!
So epic that CNN picked up @ResearchBTS who did stats on BTS related tweets (4.4m) vs Grammy-only tweets (1.5m). That was one epic graph.…e-opinion-yang/index.html
But it was Korean superstars BTS who had perhaps the most anticipated number of the night -- celebrating the group's first-ever nomination with a rendition of their English-language megahit "Dynamite." Their number was sleek pop perfection, with the polish of countless hours of practice -- but sung and danced with a sheer joy that made clear that they put in the work out of love, not duty. It was the kind of performance that clearly reminded us how music transcends boundaries, connecting us despite differences of race, language, culture and identity -- when we give it the chance to do so by giving a full spectrum of performers time in the spotlight.
The bottom line is that the Grammys need diverse creators and audiences more than diverse creators and audiences need the Grammys. Consider this, after all: As noted by one Twitter account reporting on the platform's hashtag data during the Grammys, fans generated over 4.4 million tweets about BTS. The #Grammys hashtag on its own — when stripped of BTS references — had just 1.5 million.