Today is mother's day in USA.
Because of a quirk of history, KPop got stuck with a Senior Singer, who had veto power against everyone in there, who could and did undermine KPop whenever she felt like.
MAMA could rectify this situation by giving her a Grand Prize, which invalidates her Lifetime Achievement Award which made her ineligible for Grand Prize for the rest of her life but also made her a Senior Singer to be revered by everyone in KPop. but it shows no intention to do so.
Now there is Fifty Fifty making a stir in billboard, although still weak in K-O-R-E-A. Not giving a crap about Melon which is the lair of the Senior Singer, the members said they respect SNSD,Red Velvet, 2NE1 and BlackPink but none of them mentioned the name of the Senior Singer who plagued KPop for all these years, and none of the members ever covered anything by the 1,344 years old.
A Senior Singer is kind of a mother, albeit something like a stepmother or something like that, because she is from a previous generation and exacts respect whether the newer gen likes it or not.
For the first time in 14 years , the singer whose pastime is dashing the dreams of a new act after another after another and so on has met an opponent who does NOT respect her, does NOT recognize her Seniority and does NOT consider her to be someone they should pay attention to..
The KPop world is dealing with the FF crisis well - it has begun to class it as something other than KPop, somewhat like a league of its own, and does not discuss it as if it is a western Pop act. A wise movement since fighting against it will not serve any good purpose.
FF raises a question which I was asking for many years ; why someone who is unwilling and unable to contribute anything to KPop's worldwide domination allowed to wield such influence over it.
It is like that of a mother who abandoned her child when the latter was a baby , and shows up 50 plus years later when the latter had no immediate family, to claim the insurance money.
Kpop had to deal with a Senior Singer since 2014 , who was so intent on undermining it despite of her inability to contribute anything to it.
Now someone who openly defies her Seniority and questions her role , mostly negative to KPop is finally in town.
I think answering that question will be very hard for the singer who still has contributed nothing to Kpop after 15 years in business, and if she fails to answer this threat, I think that will mark the end of her heyday as other younger acts will openly begin to defy her as well.